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Posts posted by eliteqb

  1. How you choose to kick a field goal, when our offense finally gets down the field for once and you know they will not get down there again, with under 5 mins to play, down a touchdown is beyond me. Even if we made the field goal we needed to go down AGAIN and score a TOUCHDOWN. That is the single-dumbest coaching decision I've seen all year.


    unbelievable but very true......

  2. Yes, Dick Jauron is one of the most unemotional coaches I've ever seen on the sidelines. He makes Chuck Noll look like the football equivalent of Jim Valvano. However, I think the way he wears his headset doesn't help either. Do you ever notice that his mouthpiece is set up high, so it covers the spot between his mouth and nose? With it set up that high, it's difficult to see any facial expressions. Even watching Tony Dungy on Sunday night, who also is known as stoic, you could see when he was getting excited at the end of the game. Personally, I like it when Wade Phillips didn't wear a headset - at least he was being honest with us.


    yeah, that's worse than wade not wearing a headset at all. dj either needs to wear the dang thing to our satisfaction or stop wearing a headset altogether.... :thumbsup:<_<

  3. Jauron will lead the charge with this pre-game nugget of wisdom:


    "Alright listen up. Today I want to talk about team play. There is no I in TEAM. There is a T and an E and an A and even an M, but there is no I in Team. There is no I in football, period.... There is an I in period and there are periods in football and there are teams in periods... but there is no I in team, period. The I... is in the beholder. K... now let's go play some football!"

  4. third and one in the shotgun makes no sense to me at all. if you're planning to pass, a play action call would be nice to try to fool the defense into committing to the line of scrimmage or freeze the linebackers for a second. without a back you can only pass or qb run. to line up that way, get confused, call timeout, and then proceed to line up in the same formation again is purely stoopid in my book....

  5. I feel bad for the economy... But, ain't sweet right when the 'Boys open up their new digs!


    Maybe that puke Kraft can go belly up on his mortgage if the Pats* can only start losing more!


    A guy can dream can't he?


    Always a silver lining and thank old Ralphie for playing it honest!




    lets not forget to add jonsey and the cowboys to the belly up wishes....

  6. Beginning of Season: Playoffs (Didn't Whittner or somebody "guarantee" it?)


    2-0: HMmmm....possibly

    3-0: HMMMM....damn!!!

    4-0: AFC EAST Baybee!!!

    4-1: Arizona is playing pretty good ball but AFC East is still looking good

    5-1: AFC EAST and HOME FIELD!!!

    5.2: Crap...the Dolphins...still looking ok for AFC East

    5-3: OK, the Jets are playing better, but this isn't looking good all of a sudden

    5-4: Oh no....not NE again....this is really starting to look bad.

    5-5: Cleveland? On MNF? At HOME? At the Bottom of the AFC East? WTH happened?


    this is right on the money.......

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