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Posts posted by youngunz

  1. In the early to mid 90's I had the opportunity to work in the media, in which I was able to come in contact with and meet alot of members of the team. I was in my early twenties, and in some situations trying to break in felt overwhelmed. Some guys were really great, while others...well I just say some were great. Here is a brief run down of my experience.


    Steve Tasker - A great guy (we all know). Always took the time to answer questions from anyone, regardless if he seemed to keep repeating himself. Never talked down to anyone.


    Nate Odoms - Pretty cool - Met him in a more personal situation was a funny guy, sorry to see him leave for Seattle.


    Russell Copeland - Russell Copeland


    Nate Turner - Short lived Bills career, but a great guy and funny. Was his a wing man a couple of times... and had NO PROBLEM with that


    Thurman \ Jim \ Bruce \ Andre - Anyone remember NETWORKS. No real interaction with these guys, but a little casual conversation



    Other Bills



    Ruben Gant - I was very young and much in awe because he was a Bill - but very nice


    Jim Braxton - A hell of a guy...he is missed


    Of all of the players I met, interviewed or interacted with my all time favorite is not a Bill.


    Marcus Allen - After the Bills AFC victory over the Chiefs, I was in the Chiefs lockerroom looking for interviews as the Bills lockerroom was an absolute madhouse. I was able to get to Marcus in a one-on-one situation. I was the classic "Deer in the Headlight" and he could tell. He practically guided me through the interview until the end. But the best part of meeting him, was the following week in Atlanta, for the Superbowl, when I saw him getting out of a limo at the Mariott Marquis (the players hotel) and before I could say anything, Marcus remembered me and acknowledged me.

  2. What is the deal here...In today’s modern court world there are people who exaggerate stories for monetary gains. There are athletes who think they are above the law. There are athletes who are sought out because of their net worth. So if you CLEARLY look at the events Lynch's actions, as questionable as some of you may want to think, they were done with ideal judgment.


    A. I don’t believe any of us believe that Lynch was not drinking, but obviously he was not drunk

    B. I think we all believe his attention was focused on the woman (skank) who was dancing and singing in the street

    C. Shepely was walking with her friends not paying attention to a motorized vehicle in the street

    D. Lynch was not anticipating nor was he aware the woman was coming in to the street.

    E. After hitting the woman (NOT RUNNING HER OVER), he pauses and realizes the significance of the situation was not severe to woman, BUT could be to his career or financially, takes off.

    F. Lynch drives to his home and begins, his defense


    Lynch has no responsibility to neither speak publicly nor be tricked in to saying something which would incriminate him. This is not Law & Order, nor is it Colorado (Kobe Bryant), or any other potentially high profile case. Lynch obviously complied with ALL legal requests by the state, otherwise he would be charged with obstruction, or some other trumped up charge. The DA was hoping to make more out of this, as was the “victim”. As witnesses say, she was on the ground for a moment and then got up. If someone did not say “That was Marshawn Lynch” there would not be hundreds of post on this topic.


    As for his demeanor with the press, enough already. With an pending civil case, why would he provide any ammunition, which could be used against him. He is already in a no win situation. He is paying significant amount of money to an attorney to limit the damages. I am quiet sure that prior to making the statement, he was prepped on what to say, and how to say it. Why do we need to try to break down what he said and how he said it frame by frame? Why?


    Only because some of you only like to be instigators, without being realistic.


    To be honest, I believe a deal has already been worked out with the so-called victim. I believe they were negotiating from day one and that is why it took so long for this to come to a close. And it was not until the Grand Jury deadline that Lynch’s hand was forced.

  3. 6) The teams that are affected won't push it, because they want it to go away. Witness the Steelers. Not one team has stepped up.



    7) The SuperBowl is the single biggest gambling day in the world. If the investigation revealed the truth millions of gamblers turn on the NFL.



    1 2 3 4 OT T

    St. Louis ___3 0 0 14 17

    New England 0 14 3 3 20


    The Greatest Show on Turf and they get only 3pts in 45 minutes.

    Warner picked twice, one for a TD

  4. Defense ... Defense ... Defense... We need to concentrate our entire draft on Defense. The line proved somewhat legitimate after the bye week showing improvement week in and week out. We already have big holes to fill on the Defensive line not to mention the probability of losing Fletcher at LB and Clements at DB. Any thought of drafting a RB or WR at 12 just means another 7-9 season. I would love a stud LT but would much rather have a big sloppy stud on the DL clogging the middle and pushing the pocket or a freak DE bringing pressure from the outside. If we can address the DL to where they could be a force it would hide voids left my Fletcher and Clements and would also allow the young safties to improve.


    #12 Branch from Michigan / Akoye form Louisville / Moss from Florida

  5. Ok, Lori, you'll probably get this but who was the first player ever drafted by the Buffalo Bills to make the Pro Football Hall of Fame.


    If it is not Billy Shaw ... I can not imagine who it would be I even checked rosters for

    - Tonawanda Kardex

    - Buffalo All-Americans

    - Buffalo Bisons

    - Buffalo Rangers


    Im itchin to post my two...I win plenty of drinks with these....DQ me but answer for fun.


    Who scored the first points for the Bills in Superbowl XXV

    How many Heisman trophy winners have the Bills drafted? Who are they?

  6. The entire o-line.  Jp is not the problem.  It's mainly Gandy I think.  He can't block well.  I've been saying it ever since we got him, he not a quality starter.


    Also a considerable amount of blame should go to the d-line.  Nice start but couldn't finish the game.


    I think our coaching staff did well this game.



    I thank you for this post as I didnt have to raise my blood pressure writing it.


    G-A-N-D-Y SUCKS!!!!

    He cost us 3 of 4 sacks

    A crucial penalty late in the game


    gave free reign to JP's blind side

  7. coach of the year (CONSIDERATIONS)...Again thanks to a soft schedule.


    Sept. 10 @ New England 1:00pm - L

    Sept. 17 @ Miami 1:00pm - L

    Sept. 24 NY Jets 1:00pm - W

    Oct. 1 Minnesota 1:00pm - W

    Oct. 8 @ Chicago 1:00pm - W

    Oct. 15 @ Detroit 1:00pm - W

    Oct. 22 New England 1:00pm - W

    Oct. 29 Bye

    Nov. 5 Green Bay 1:00pm - W

    Nov. 12 @ Indianapolis 1:00pm - L

    Nov. 19 @ Houston 1:00pm - L

    Nov. 26 Jacksonville 1:00pm - L

    Dec. 3 San Diego 1:00pm - L

    Dec. 10 @ NY Jets 1:00pm - L

    Dec. 17 Miami 1:00pm - W

    Dec. 24 Tennessee 1:00pm - W

    Dec. 31 @ Baltimore 1:00pm - W

  8. Kelly deserves more blame than Norwood.  He partied too much...He was arrogant when the Giants challenged him...He wanted to be MVP so he didn't give the ball to Thurman enough.  He may be Mr. Bill, but that loss was 90% on him.






    I have said that for many years. Based on the Giants 2 - 4 - 5 Defense Thurman was killing them on the ground. On that last drive Thurman had two big runs (12+ yds). I did notice though that Nobody on the Bills was making a concious effort to get out of bounds (even Thomas on the 3rd down run.)


    With all that said I dont think Kelly gets all the blame, should Norwood have made that field goal. YES (laces in or out)


    Thanks for the memories!

  9. Lets see....


    Play calling absolutely pathetic

    - pass on 1st in goal up 20

    - No protection for blitzes up the middle

    - 4qtr play calling in general

    - 3 and 9 with 2 minutes and call a draw with Williams

    - 4qtr Defensive play calling....WTF is with the !@#$ING PREVENT

    - Last KO Return - why even fake a reverse, when you have the best unit


    So some fingers will be pointing there

    Next the Moulds streak is over...Im sure the crybaby will be looking for the microphone this week.


    CYA in 06 Moulds (its a shame I used to be a big Moulds fan)

  10. I thought JP played well.  Look, he is only starting his 6th NFL game EVER.  He is not John Elway right now -- but the point is John Elway was not John Elway his first year in the league.  And Troy Aikman was not Troy Aikman, and the Manning Bros. were no good either. 


    So, if you are expecting him to put this team on his shoulders and make all the plays to lead them to a win, you are setting the bar awfully high at this point in his career.  Good thing is, he continues to get better, and he was able to move the ball via the passing game.  And he had them moving that last drive -- he was close to winning the game on his arm.  Today, the passing game was a better weapon than the running game.  When was the last time u could say that?


    The red zone was a nightmare, but not JPs fault.  Moulds went out of bounds....if he didn't we got it on the 2 yard line.  Willis chopblock moves us back 15.  If we are able to punch those in instead of kicking FGs, this is a totally different conversation, and we're saying how awesome JP is.


    Those who are pissed that we lost this one must've still been drinking the playoff Kool-AID.  STOP IT!  The playoffs went out the door last week.  Let's be real, it is over.  OVER!!  So the pressure is off, time to sit back and enjoy watching JP get better every week.  We'll need him to be the man and the leader next year.



    well said....

  11. Defense got tired after so many plays because offense could not complete their popgun plays.    The defense and the winds kept the Bills into the 4th quarter and the Bills could not score enough points to win. 





    How do you excuse a defense for being tired when they were the ones who gave up a sixteen play drive.


    Carolina had no plans of trying to put up 30 or 40 points. Their game plan was to run ...run...and run some more.

  12. Call it "heart," call it "guts," call it "the killing instinct," call it whatever you like - these Bills don't have it and they haven't had it for awhile.


    Once again, they come up short when they need to be clutch.


    Once again, they have opportunities to put an opponent away and fail to do so.


    Once again, the Bills snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and lose a very winnable game.

    This team frustrates the hell out of me.



    Thats a bit overboard.....The team did not quit today. They just dont have the talent or experience for our high expectations

  13. The Bills played ok. Carolina exposed ur weakness - OUR DEFENSE


    But other than that JP played well. Has a lot of room for improvment, but overall played well against a top defense.


    If the Bills brass has not seen it yet...today should turn the light on for them. Have to address OL/DL

  14. you must have one of those new plasma tv's that let you scan the entire field to see who is open!!!  all i get is this sh------- camera angle on my normal tv and it is impossible to see which recievers are open because the camera is usually on the guy with the ball.  give JP a break!  i mean, he is no bledsoe but he will learn.  thank you.  go bills!




    Here Here

  15. i don't think these assclown announcers realize that stephen davis is probably hurt, hense the reason why he's not been in the game for 2.5 quarters



    Actually, earlier this week John Fox said that Davis carries were going to drop so that Foster could get more time. But it makes you wonder how much homework these guys do before a game



    News: The Winston Salem Journal reports Panthers head coach John Fox said that DeShaun Foster might see an expanded role in the offense the rest of the season. "We're just trying to get it to him a little more," Fox said. "We're trying to marry the carries up a little bit. Stephen's had more touches so far, and we're trying to get DeShaun a more equal number of touches."

  16. I can't believe some people are actually sticking up for TO!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

    Are you serious? The guy is a complete cancer. It's not like it was a one time thing, either.


    Put it this way...A work example. If you criticize a fellow employee constantly, and say how you are bigger than your company, etc., do ya really think they are going to keep you?



    Please stop using examples between normal everday life and professional atheletes. There is just no comparison. (this is not directed at you personally).


    It just kills me how people try to rationalize the actions taken by athletes either on the field or surrounding their workplace, with a comparison to the everyday Joe. We as the everyday Joe do not get to beat the crap out of an employee and then get told to wait a few minutes to cool off, nor do we go in to Job interviews saying what we will get paid or that we will hold out. And we as the average Joe do not have Ed Kilgore or John Murphy banging down our door for an exclusive interview. So with that said please stop using the average Joe comparison to any Professional athelete

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