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Posts posted by Mark80

  1. On 11/23/2021 at 12:39 PM, DCOrange said:

    He's talking about Australia Rules Football. It isn't soccer. It's where a lot of punters come from nowadays. It's an awesome sport.

    I was going to say that "a lot" is a stretch here, but then I looked it up and there are 8 currently on a roster.  I was pretty surprised there were so many.

  2. My favorite athlete of all time, Rickey Henderson, once put it this way.  When you have a Ferrari you don't go out driving it, pushing it when it needs some sort of maintenance/repair.  You put it in the garage until its 100% ready to go.  (Speaking of himself and a DL stint with a tweaked hamstring).  Much like Rickey, Lamar is dependent on that freakish athletic ability, you don't put him out there when he's not 100% and can cause further damage.  He is an ineffective pocket restricted passer.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. Metallica with Danzig and Suicidal Tendencies at Darien Lake when I was in 8th grade (1994 maybe?).  Me and a buddy with his dad as a chaperone.  We ditched his dad almost immediately.  Met him later at the car and he didn't even say a word about it.

    • Like (+1) 2
  4. 3 hours ago, Jauronimo said:

    Pay off high interest loans and credit cards first, no question.  But if you have reasonable debt rates, absolutely not.


    Take today's interest rate environment where you can get a mortgage sub 3% and car financing is next to free. Why on earth would you early pay off a 2.75% loan when the S&P 500 is returning 15% to 20% a year? Of course the return is not guaranteed and there is some risk but long term stock market returns are north of 7% dating back to the 1920s.  


    The more money you can get into equity markets the better when starting off. Especially when looking at a 25 year window till retirement, like OP.

    While I totally agree with you and practice that philosophy myself, the psychological side of it is basically saying that if you are willing to have debt (again, beyond mortgage) you are more likely to be looser with your spending as a whole because you don't have the mental relation of seeing your cash do down immediately when you borrow.  So, people tend to buy more using credit of some sort then they would if they felt the immediate pain of using cash.  In your example of the car, people would more likely be willing to buy a more expensive car when they take out a loan (especially at these rates) vs paying with cash.  Am I a psychologist and back this up with anything?  No.  But that is my understand of some things I've read on it.

  5. There are competing theories on this.  Some believe that you should not have any debt (except possibly a mortgage) before you save any money beyond an emergency fund.  That is not as common, but provides a psychological element to it which helps you cut back on you spending, create good habits etc. and then when you don't have the debt any longer you'll have plenty of extra money to invest heavily.


    Most folks, however, invest while still having other debts.  Me included.  Definitely best practice to at a bare minimum get your employer match on the 401k.  Beyond that I prefer Roth IRA, that way you know exactly what you have and won't have to pay taxes on it in the future.  I believe Vanguard is the best, Fidelity is also very highly thought of, I just like the Vanguard Funds personally.  Do try to be an expert investor, just buy Mutual Funds and let the professionals do the work for you.  Buy it and don't even look at it, just let it do its thing.


    Recommendation is 10% of income towards it.  But the more you can save now, the more time it has to earn and compound.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. Was standing at Wegmans staring at the prepared foods section and talking to myself about how much mashed potatoes I should buy.  Admittedly I was mumbling out loud and I'm sure the person standing next to me could hear me.  When I looked up and saw the person's face, it was Jack Eichel (pre disaster stage).  I didn't say anything to him but I thought it was pretty funny that Jack was probably like "is this dude really talking to himself about mashed potatoes"?  I leave these guys alone.  I'm an adult.  That sort of stuff should be for kids only.  A friendly "Go Bills" is fine or just a quick hello, but pictures, autographs, prolonged discussion on your opinion on the Bills, leave it be.

    • Like (+1) 3
    • Haha (+1) 2
  7. Senior at Cornell.  Woke up, housemate told me about the first plane crash and watched on the news for a few minutes before heading to class.  Got to class and saw a second plane had crashed on the lobby tv.  After class saw that the first building had collapsed on that same TV and then watched the second building collapse at my house. By that time classes had been cancelled.  Obviously a lot of NYC relationships for the folks living in Ithaca.  I can clearly remember numerous people on campus crying trying to call loved ones but unable to get through to anyone.  It was a very surreal experience for sure.

  8. 15 minutes ago, eball said:

    I believe the two people least concerned about the timing of Allen's next contract are Josh Allen and Brandon Beane.


    Josh Allen is one injury away from losing 10s even 100s of millions of dollars.  Beane is another great year away from having to pay 10-15M more per season.  I think they both are eager to get it done now.  They are just handling it way better in the media than others have.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. Back in high school my friends and I used to go to Damon's to watch MNF.  While there one week, we saw this enormous human being with an impressive gold chain on.  We thought to ourselves, this specimen must be on the Bills.  A defensive lineman perhaps, maybe a linebacker.  We finally mustered up the courage to ask him who he was...he said I'm Eric Moulds (our rookie first round pick at the time).  We were absolutely shocked.  We couldn't believe that a person of this size was a WR!  His arms were enormous, he was enormous.  And he was super nice to us as well!  Always loved him

    • Like (+1) 2
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  10. I got one too.  FYI, these are available at Wegmans on Transit/Losson right now.  flat brim and curved, both snap backs.

    On 5/20/2021 at 5:06 PM, Buffalo716 said:

    Where did you find it


    On 5/20/2021 at 6:38 PM, GETTOTHE50 said:

    ive been trying to cop one of these for a while. i thought they were distributed mainly through the 716 sports store, but i guess im wrong


    On 5/20/2021 at 7:06 PM, T&C said:

    Flat brim... no can do.


    On 5/25/2021 at 3:01 AM, Mark Vader said:

    I need to get that hat!


  11. 5 hours ago, Doc said:

    AMC with sizable gains last 3 days. Hopefully short squeeze is coming soon. 


    Saw 36 today.  Know its back down today some, but a great few days for sure.  500M + shares traded though makes me nervous for a real short squeeze coming here.  GME for example, has only been having like 10M traded.  So, lots of people are selling AMC now, potentially hurting that squeeze potential.

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