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Posts posted by uticaclub

  1. just like the new yankee stadium, the people that can afford to go aren't the ones who get blackout drunk and rowdy. it's boring the crazy fans at games are the best part of most games sometimes, especially at the Bills.



  2. it would be cool, except lefty is a chargers fan. he made an appearance at bills training camp because the US Open was across the street and he is a football fan, probably played a Pro-Am with Bledsoe before or something. I'd rather have John Daly. Also, unrelated I wonder what are former #1 pick Don Beebe is up to these days.

  3. i'm the last one that wants to trade lynch. i think he is a complete beast. but if the two troubled players were traded for each other and given both a change of scenery and 3rd chances, Marshall might be able to give us the spark the T.O. wasn't able to give us. Marshall just signed his tender today to open up the possibility for trade. Trading Lynch for a 2nd rounder would be fatal, trading him for a troubled yet proven offensive weapon, C'mon Son!

  4. this would be awful. his crimes are nothing compared to those of others around the league. i mean smoking pot with a gun in the car is dumb, but not as bad as raping underage girls in the club.(yet i'd be thrilled if we got Big Ben). Lynch is a true BEAST, OJ had a bad years, then became the best player in our history not from the 90s. Jackson had a good year last year, but i think after a year of film of him defenses will be able to stop him. I'm really not comfortable with walter mandenhall and rodney fergurson on our practice team, let alone in uniform.

  5. and so do the Redskins. They make a bunch of off season moves, sign some dudes, trade for some guys, and at the end of the day they only have a few more wins the greatest team ever(Bills). The Jets only averaged 1 more win a season over the last decade, then the Bills did. Don't worry the jets will have another 2-14 season soon.

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