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Posts posted by murra

  1. Except that, as I understood it, their president serves mainly as commander-in-chief of the military and does foreign affairs.


    The internal functioning for their country is done by the prime minister/parliament; the president is a figurehead in this regard.


    Correct. They have a parliamentary-republic system, much like that of many European nations (germany, switzerland, slovakia, austria, etc.). The Preisdent is a figurehead position, and the its basically the prime minister who runs the executive branch.

  2. "After going undrafted in the 2009 NFL Draft, Mortensen was signed by the Tennessee Titans as an undrafted free agent. He played an offensive series in the Hall of Fame Game against the Buffalo Bills on August 9, going 1-for-2 with an interception returned for a touchdown by Bills cornerback Reggie Corner. The Titans waived Mortensen two days later on August 11."

  3. BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :thumbsup::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:




    And in case anyone missed it the first time




    I just realized how funny you were. I mean I always thought your avatar was just a non-stop laughter riot, but this right here...it's gold. Comic gold.


    Seriously though, why are you laughing? Do you know anything about Gingrich, or do you just faintly remember seeing him negatively portrayed in the news in the 90's?

  4. No, someone else brought up blacks refusing to join the Tea Party.


    How obvious is it that this guy is a troll?


    Who comes to a Buffalo Bills message board, and in your first 20 post or so are nose deep on the politics board? This is ridiculous, can we just IP check the guy, ban him and move on. I know DC Tom is highly entertained, but its reaching conclusive status that this is not a genuine person.

  5. No, you're trying to make it into a politically charged issue, when it's not. This has nothing...and I stress NOTHING to do with liberal vs. conservative. If you believe it does, then your perception is irrevocably damaged.


    Yo, there is politics in this debate. It's not the root principle, but it totally exists. The politics of the civil liberty and practicing of your "creationist v. evolution" idea is a deeply debated and hot political topic. Many states face pressure to remove evolution from their curriculum by religious extremists. Now, I'm not going to touch what wisconsinbillzfan was getting at, but I believe there is politics in the issue, and my perception is not "irrevocably damaged".

  6. You don't care.....and yet...you post.... :thumbsup::cry:


    And, none of this is my point. (Every so often I catch some foolish liberal I know in real life in a logical contradiction...like: Bush was a great liar, and an idiot, at the same time, or, "we should be tolerant of all cultures and those who aren't are racist homophobes"/Mike Vick learned dogfighting from his culture/"Mike Vick should not be tolerated"!/but what about his culture?, etc., then, I bring it here to see if there's anything I am missing.)


    Like I predicted: insulted for being in the "not care" aisle... but if you read my post, there was actually a question added to it. What is the point of the argument? It's one of the most polarizing debates out there. And I want to know why.


    To me the situation is almost akin to "is there life out there"? That's a silly sci-fi debate not to be taken too seriously, especially with alien theorists, but how is it any different than "who created us"? I just want to know why this one particular issue has become a huge industry.


    The skeptic in me never fully took in the spoon-fed evolution theory I was taught in school. The skeptic in me never believed the Adam and Eve story to be more than a fable.


    What I don't understand, however, is why people freak out about this debate? You can continue to write essays in your original posts and then reply to me with just a wallbashing emoticon, but I am interested in your response.

  7. People should be able to complain or fight for better conditions at work, better salary, equal rights within the workplace, etc.


    And they did. Like 100 years ago. And again 60 years ago.


    The government set your standard regulations, Unions no longer need to pretend like any of this nonsense matters. Unions today fight pathetic fake holiday rights and stupid bathroom policies.

  8. Forgive me for being so rude, but what exactly has ever come from these discussions? It is certainly not a real, logical or fact-based debate, certainly no one is getting any smarter having argued, or learned more in the debate. The meaning of life is something that will not be answered on a Buffalo Bills forum, despite how fantastically hilarious an onion article that would make.


    I also realize that my statement lops into the "who cares" aisle, which is often insulted. It's not that I don't care how the earth was created, its being the better man and realizing we'll never know, and moving on.

  9. That was such a great season, but, like you, once the playoffs rolled around, I didn't feel as good about them... this years squad is good across the board, but not great...except in net, or, should I say, when Miller is in net. It may just be enough.


    I, think that, maybe, you should learn, how to, use commas.

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