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Posts posted by murra

  1. No, I truly believe that he feels that the Federal Reserve is on the path of ruining our currency, and there definitely is a strong argument to be made on his behalf, without a doubt. The question is how do you hold the Federal Reserve accountable? I don't disagree with this concept, I'm just opposed to the idea of politicians getting their grubby little hands on the decision making process of monetary policy.


    Politicians have to get re elected to maintain their jobs. So in most cases they will look for short term solutions to help them achieve this goal, and having pro-growth dovish monetary policy is something that most politicians want, but at the same time, dovish monetary policy (which includes printing money) can debase the currency.


    I think I agree with the stance that Congress shouldn't possess the authority to audit our Federal Reserve...


    But if Ron Paul's assertions are true, how then do we prevent the Federal Reserve from unintentionally (or intentionally in this case) ruining US capital WITHOUT having the government do it?


    If you watch that video, Ron Paul mentions how the bill that Bernie proposed could actually worsen the issue by increased government involvement...leading me to believe that Ron Paul's version may have included a less corrupt policy. Realize one issue in coming up with the bill was to find a way to answer the question both you and I asked. That's why he's so pissed that this got botched. How could you not see that?

  2. Could be. But I found it interesting that the news media seemed to be confusing gallons with barrels, then converting barrels to gallons - looked like a combination of shameless sensationalism combined with outright incompetence.


    I'm still amused that they're reporting it in "gallons". I've never heard a spill reported in gallons before, only barrels. Apparently, "gallons" sounds more disastrous.


    I heard the word "apocalyptic" yesterday in reference to the spill.

  3. Week 1 Buffalo vs. Miami L

    Week 2 Buffalo vs. Green Bay W

    Week 3 Buffalo vs. New England Patriots* L

    Week 4 Buffalo vs. NY Jets L

    Week 5 Buffalo vs. Jacksonville Jaguars W

    Week 6 BYE

    Week 7 Buffalo vs. Baltimore Ravens L

    Week 8 Buffalo vs. Kansas City Chiefs W

    Week 9 Buffalo vs. Chicago Bears W

    Week 10 Buffalo vs. Detroit Lions W

    Week 11 Buffalo vs. Cincinnati Bengals L

    Week 12 Buffalo vs. Pittsburgh Steelers L

    Week 13 Buffalo vs. Minnesota Vikings W

    Week 14 Buffalo vs. Cleveland Browns W

    Week 15 Buffalo vs. Miami Dolphins W

    Week 16 Buffalo vs. New England Patriots* L

    Week 17 Buffalo vs. NY Jets L



  4. don't be a drama queen. This is about people lashing out at informed opinion. Tim graham is not a member of the "ruling elite" he was simply one of the handful of people on the site who knew what they were talking about.


    Drama queen? You're the one who started consecutive posts with "Oh please".


    Also, you said "ruling elite", and basically all of your analogies so far have been either ridiculous or eerily similar to a socialist theory.

  5. elite means the best of a group. You work to become elite in a field. Comparing the need to respect informed opinion to the feudal concept of the ruling elite is insane and best and stupid at worst.


    So by your logic if i am being repressed by my government, I shouldn't really try to dissent the "ruling elite" because they've dutifully earned their position in life, and I am a sheep who has no basis for interjection?

  6. what do you think elite means? he had a special pinned "column" because he had something none of us do: access. he was "elite" in that he had information and not opinion. Do they deserve "elite" status? yes, because they've troubled themselves to provide access. They are de facto experts in a sea of ignorant children just screaming into the wind.


    You need to wikipedia the term "elitist" now. You have no idea what my argument was and you're treading water. Screaming into the wind? You're remarkably rude if you think there is little or no collective intelligence on these boards, and you're entirely off-base if you truly believe that being an ESPN blogger is elite, and that his comment would hold significantly more water than yours or mine.

  7. I am being sarcastic. Fools that use words like "elite" as a negative are petty jealous jackholes. Also they tend not to actually know what the word elite means.


    I want to defend myself, but you really did wonders with that post. You win. Clearly there are people better than us, and that's the way this class-driven society has worked since the birth of our nation. Forgive me, my fellow jackholes, and our "foolish" ignorance.

  8. of all things) just makes one an ignorant retard. being brilliant is something to aspire to, not to be harassed for. Keeps us, as a whole, crippled by mediocrity.


    "being brilliant"? Are you being serious here? I can't tell.


    He's not a brain surgeon, he's a sports blogger. That's not to offend the sports bloggers, but really, "brilliant"? I think I'm just in saying that they don't deserve the elite status. I can't believe someone tried to refute that. Even JW said he didn't want to be treated differently.

  9. Then ban the offenders.


    Ban people for insulting our resident journalists? I guess. That's one way to deal with the inevitable issue of rude people on an opinion-founded forum based website. Whatever happened to people having thick skin? I'm sorry but if people ignore the trolls long enough they wont get a rise out saying stupid stuff and will then leave on their own.

  10. There is a huge difference between your website and espn.com. Your website would be owned by you and you have to answer to you alone. Espn is a milliondollar company owned by disney which is a billion dollar company. If you are going to give criticism to tim's work, that is one thing. But if you want to give criticism to tim on a website layout which he has no control over, then that is just silly and you are wasting breath. And then if you ask him why people he works with are "idiots" or whatever, that is just a terrible position to put him in. That is just as stupid as asking someone why their mother is a slut and then saying "what? you can handle I am insulting your mom? man, if you can't take this.... "criticism" then you are unprofessional and you don't deserve your high position in life!"


    I mean, come on man. Some of you can call it "criticism" all you want. But what it really was that it was making a big deal about a tiny little box that wasn't on ESPN's main page (like leonidas said and it was so he was basically wrong there killing his cred on his ..."criticism" as you call it.) and insults (not criticism) being made of people tim worked with and put him in a position to critique them.


    I realize you were trying to get worked up...but you really didn't make a point here. I realize that if I had a website it wouldn't be on par with ESPN. I'm not sure what that has to do with me saying that if you're a supposed upper-class member of the boards because you're a journalist, you should be able to ignore people who post things you don't like.


    Is the pitty party over yet? :P





    No its not. And I'm sure that people will cite back to this as one of the defining moments of TBD going downhill.


    Personally I never clicked on the Tim Graham thread.

  11. Although SDS wrote his rules of engagement following the Schottenheimer fiasco, you're missing the part where John also left the board for a short period of time. He knows he's fair game on OTW or PPP, but the rule applies equally to both when they're discussing their work. In fact, I removed a post and dumped someone for taking a shot at him less than 12 hours ago.


    Why do you pretend that they're special people? If I were to post my website on here, and someone would take a shot at me, that would be perfectly fine... but if criticism gets to one of you "journalists" its unquestionably taboo? Really? This is a forum.


    At first I appreciated TG for having the courage to come here and give insight, but his ego got in the way. That's what it comes down to. And don't pretend it's not ego. He got offended, and couldn't take the fact that people are jerks and insulted him. That's weak and sad.


    If you can't take criticism without being offended you don't deserve your alleged high position in life (not that I feel like any of you "journalists are half as elite as you pretend).

  12. Chris Draft doesn't fit size or age-wise...many of us love Nic Harris but he seems like a poor fit, too.


    And there'll be some surprise cuts that very few anticipate.

    I believe that there will be surprise cuts as well. I can easily see Harris gone. I don't think roscoe will be cut like the op claims, though. That seems to be exactly the kind of guy chan likes. I can only pray that Kelsay leaves, he really doesn't fit with our new scheme.

  13. Conner all the way. We're dealing with an article that addresses such things as empathy, hugging, licking and brushing each others hair, carrying around dead bodies and finally letting other members of the clan play with the dead body. Say what you want about Wisconsin but this smells of Conner after a meeting with pBills and Pasta Joe.


    No it doesn't, look up Chimps: as slang terminology.

  14. I'll never forget how sick I felt when Butler left.


    Haha what revisionists you all are. You were all excited for Donahoe, you were all excited for every single one of these guys except maybe Jauron before they were hired. We're doing it now too, and I'm sure at some point in the season we'll be in the playoff hunt (i'm talking like... 9 games into the season when we're still in it, doing that playoff math) and we'll fall out, and you guys will be calling for Nix's head. Its an inevitable cycle. We would have ran Peyton Manning out of the city if we had him.

  15. I'm just shocked there are still Clausen fans out there after all 32 teams validated he was one of the most over-rated pre-draft prospects in recent memory. All of the teams basically put Kiper to shame when he had him as the 4th best overall player. Essentially, I think that all Clausen fans were subject to media hype and never really paid attention to his loss record, his lack of intangibles, and his suspect ability.

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