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Posts posted by TheLynchTrain

  1. According to JW's reporting, it went down like this: Nix called Schobel, told him the Bills were going in a different direction. Schobel then said something to the effect of "what if I report now," to which Nix replied "you'd be released."


    The Bills decided it didn't make sense to pay someone $8 million to spend one year at a new position. Perfectly reasonable. But by announcing it to the world BEFORE they made any effort to trade him, they lost any leverage they may have had.


    Hey, what the $#@ is wrong with you! Don't you know you're not not allowed to talk in a responsible tone around here? Didn't you get the memo?

  2. Gotta love the statement Buddy made just 2 days ago about Schobel not being released. If they do release him today not only does it look like you let him go without getting anything for him, you look like an even bigger ass because you are doing something you expressly said you weren't going to do. Maybe there really aren't any options for the Bills, but if you're a GM you should have realized that a few days ago and not said something stupid about not releasing him. This is exactly why I'm not willing to give the new regime much credot until they actually show me something - right now it seems like the same old Bills front office......


    When did Nix actually say he won't release him? Did you actually hear a quote out of his mouth? Maybe you should actually read the articles.


    “He will stay on the Reserve/Did Not Report list until he makes a decision on whether he’s retiring or if he might want to play somewhere else,” said Nix.






    "Schobel told The Associated Press in a phone interview that the Bills told him they would release him if he decided to come back at this point."



  3. You win some, you lose some. Marty was historically a choker in the playoffs. Brees had only one good year when he left SD (and an injury that ruins most careers).


    AJ's stubbornness has gotten him into plenty of trouble and his ego has clouded numerous decisions made in SD.

  4. I hope Wood said this with a smile on his face as though it is clear to me by virtually amy measure that Maybin did not deserve the money he was [paid to play this boys game last year, by the measure of deserving the money based on what they give to society there are a whole bunch of firefighters, police officers, and folks defending us in the Mid-east who deserve a lot more compensation. Not only Maybin but Wood should be giving money back based on any real measure.


    If one instead chooses to forget about reality and judge deserving payment based on output alone, then to some extent Jrius Byrd deserves money be given to him and probably the overpaid Chris Kelsay and Maybin are dueling with each other for who should be giving money back (at least Maybin who through his holdout and relative youth "deserves" a pass on the output/deserves scale while Kelsay is taking advantage of the situation with a huge contract he did not deserve based on almost any rational measure of pay for results.


    Well, I guess Wood gets free pass due to injury but in the last part of the season even Maybin was more productive than Wood. This is a dangerous game to go to far with this thinking as is there anyone out there who does not feel all Bills deserve to give money back?


    America... just a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable.

  5. They initiated the process by signing their 1st round pick first. If you look at the slotting process, they probably were able to overpay at that 24th pick compared to what was given to the 24th pick last season. The cowboys have enough revenue to overpay the couple of Million dollars to get their contract done. The Bills don't have the same type of Cash Flow and are more careful with their cash.


    Maybe you should check the facts before posting next time.


    Dez Bryant, 24th pick in 2010, received 5 years, $11.8 million ($8.5M guaranteed)


    Peria Jerry, 24th pick in 2009, received 5 years, $13.25 million ($7.55M guaranteed)


    Hey, I'll even go back one further:


    Chris Johnson, 24th pick in 2008, received 5 years, $12 million (7 guaranteed)


    Google is one hell of a search engine.


    With inflation, I don't see anything out of the ordinary.


    Wait what were you saying again?

  6. Its only good news if the raiders gave him a fair contract. I forgot that they were a pick ahead of us. Isn't some of the reason Maybin was late to camp (and a bunch of other players) because of Heyward-Bey's ridiculous contract last year?


    Lets just hope we dont get screwed. If I was CJ's agent, I'd wait until the Raiders signed their guy too.

  7. The watchers who do a great job IMHO of trying to keep TSW somewhat neater and cleaner may well fold this post into one of the couple of threads going on which seem to focus more on the soap opera aspects of his decision and whether dramatic issues of global significance such as whether so and so talked to his wife and can the source be trusted.


    This is not intended to be a thread about these issues which some find entertaining or whether some reporter got the true story 14 milliseconds quicker than some other hack, I mean this thread to be about the football issues and really would find it hard to care less about the soap opera or which reporter or confidant had the news first.


    I follow the NFL because I find the game entertaining and I hope this is what this thread is about, the football rather than the soap opera and I encourage the observers who keep the board clean to do whatever the deem useful to keep the conversation flowing,


    My questions is:


    Do folks see his highest and best use is as augmenting a DL at the RDE position which won him Pro Bowl honors or instead augmenting the LB position where the shift to the 3-4 makes getting competent OLB help a priority?


    Unfortunately, I see a difference between where I think Schobel performs best as a player and where I think the Bills needs are. I actually like AS best as an OLB where he has shown an ability to play DE at a weight more typical of an LB. He performed well in the zone blitz and showed the ability even as a DL player to drop back and pass cover in the short and even medium zone. Her was never a bulky guy who made the run difficult merely byhis size. He actually improved his stoutness even while losing weight/


    The Bills appear to want a DE with athleticism and Schobel may fit this mold. He is getting older but given our thiness at DE may be the best we can do.




    Of all the positions on our defense (our team really), you think we're thin at DE? Do you know what a 3-4 defense is? Currently we have Marcus Stroud, Dwan Edwards (who could be injury prone), Spencer Johnson, John McCargo (he's not playing NT), and our new draft pick Alex Carrington. That's five guys playing at 2 positions, with the possibility of 3 of them (Stroud, Edwards, Johnson) getting a good chance to win the 2 starting spots. Why would we need to throw another guy in the mix, especially somebody that's 40 pounds lighter than them? We're thin at OLB, not DE.




    EDIT: I also forgot to add Kyle Williams, who will probably split time between DE/NT depending on what the coaches see in camp. That's 6 players now that would all be above Schobel in a 3-4 DE spot.

  8. Who is going to make up his 10 sacks from last season, Maybin?? We better hope he comes back.


    What you mean those 10 quarterback takedowns when the games are all but over?


    Out of his career 78 sacks I guarantee he doesn't have more than 10 that came in important, have to get a sack, situations.


    Schobel is the epitome of what is wrong with the Bills defense this decade, just like Connolly is the epitome of what is wrong with the Sabres.


    If he doesn't come back, who cares. If he does, well the Bills have another linebacker.


    I don't see it as a game changer this season.

  9. I know this isn't news, or new, for that matter. It's more of the same. But if you go to ESPN.com's NFL page right now (http://espn.go.com/nfl/), there are something like 8 articles about TO. And it's been that way for several weeks - I'm not exaggerating, ESPN.com has dealt with the quiet NFL July by covering TO non-stop. Where will he go? Who wants him? For how much? What will be the fantasy impact? How does his signing help or hurt the Bengals? Blah Blah Blah Blah. What lazy, uninspired, cynical reporting. In fact, between this and the LeBron fiasco (did you know that LeBron's interviewer was paid by - LeBron??), I've just had it with ESPN. It's not a reporting agency anymore. It's a media conglomerate, an entertainment company, masquerading as sports reporters. Conflicts of interest galore. They're making a mockery of the notion of journalistic integrity and objectivity.


    Wondering what our local media types think about this. I would think if you've spent your professional career trying to objectively report on stories, you've got to be more than a little upset about how ESPN consistently "creates" news, sells products (disguised as news), and makes itself the story.


    Not that CNN is any different, but at least CNN doesn't have a near-monopoly.


    I'll conclude by saying that I'm sure there are good people and good reporters who work at ESPN and do their best to stay objective. But that has to be increasingly difficult and frustrating. And rare...


    Was it ever not any of those things you mentioned? It is owned by Walt Disney, a publicly traded company that is labeled on its website as "the largest media and entertainment conglomerate in the world." And it has the word "Entertainment" right in its name, so I would imagine its an entertainment company.


    I'm not trying to lecture, I'm just stating the facts.


    We all want freedom of the press, as guaranteed under the constitution. But that has disappeared. In my opinion, there is no difference between government controlled media and corporate controlled media.

  10. It was about 15 yrs ago - give or take a little. I was at Rich Stadium watching a Bills / Redskins game with my sister. Seated next to me was an eleven year-old boy, and next to him his mother. Sometime during the game she got up & said, "Excuse me, I have to take my son to the rest-room...this guy behind us just urinated all over him." I instantly became infuriated. Then I asked her perhaps a dumb question, but it was so hard to believe...I asked, "Did you personally witness this?" She said, "Yes". I immediately got up & hunted security & they tossed him out of the stadium. When the dude got to the isle, it was all I could do to not toss him down the steps. The Bills played a great game & beat the Skins, but I was still mad at the end of the game & couldn't savor the victory.

    What Bills victory did you least enjoy, & why?


    I'm pretty sure you get slapped with sex offender status if that happened these days...especially if its an 11 year old kid!

  11. Other than Albert being a fat POS, there's one thing that hasn't been said:


    We've only heard from the foreskins that they gave Albert the option to go elsewhere or take the money. How do we even know if that is true? I haven't heard any reporters look into that or ask the Fat Albert camp to confirm it. That could just be the foreskins saying this now to cover up for the fact they screwed up royally.

  12. Actually, it's a very honest statement of what has been quite obvious to the public for many years. Bush broke a rule, he didn't steal from, beat up, rape or drive over anyone.


    Yes, we all knew this stuff goes on. Yet you expect Sanchez to pretend he's shocked and disappointed that this 18 year old accepted a gift form some guy who knew better? He's not condoning it, but he has chosen not to judge Bush.


    That's simply gratuitous criticism for a rival AFCE QB.


    I'm under the impression that he stole from the government, correct? He and his parents did not pay taxes on any of those "gifts." What is the threshold on gifts like this? Is it still under?

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