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Posts posted by TheLynchTrain

  1. I hate to say this but these non profit are nothing but for profit people...they hire their own companies pay themselves well and even get loans with your donated funds..want to help donate your time to someone who needs help during treatments.... Cancer is curable just not in the US and with big pharm companies running our gov....look up cancer is a fungus by dr.Simoncini .....live fruits and vegetables can do wonders along with no mushrooms or processed foods and drop the pop, cigs...


    As a child I think I had maybe 6-8 shots now there is over 32 by the age of 2... My kids aren't vaccinated and are ahead of most vaccinated children because they can focus at age 6 and not be ADD , ADHD or any thing else they claim....


    Do your homework everything on tv isn't true and you have options ...pharm pays doctors - doctors write scripts ....pharm pays gov - gov says you need these shots


    You sir, win the crazy award. I feel bad for your children.


    Thoughts? yea, obviously you have never been to SF, and have zero idea of what you speak.


    No I have never been to San Fransisco, so please enlighten me. My interest here wasn't in the political side of this issue per se (I live in DC I get enough of that), my interest was in the fact that a player on team in what I assumed was the most gay friendly city in America saying he loves eating at a restaurant that many in that said city, including the mayor, called a bigoted corporation.


    I'd like to know how that's playing in SF, I you know, please share. Sorry if I offended you somehow.

  3. Anyone else find it slightly amusing that a player that lives in a metro area with the largest gay population in the country saying that "One of my favorite spots to eat in Ohio is at Chick Fil-A. I think I went to Chick Fil-A almost every day."


    Politics aside, I'd imagine you wouldn't want to antagonize your fan base, regardless if you think they're right or wrong on an issue like this .... even if you probably don't get or understand the issue (which seems like the case here with Donte's pea brain).


    Personally, I've never liked Chick Fil-A, thought it was bonehead for a company to effectively antagonize half their customer base, and dumb when mayors accross the country pledged to keep the restaurants out, and even dumber when idiots had rally around the restaurant day.


    But for Donte, I dont see any upside mentioning this to your fan base on your team website. Thoughts?






    Ready - it'll blow your mind....





    Or any number of others.


    What does forcing some random mafia theme accomplish? It just comes across as a bunch of 18 year olds that were watching scarface while tweeting about the bills drunk. I dig the intentions and good cause, it just sounds cheesy, and forced.


    Why the mafia theme, my OG friend?



  5. That's why I hate to put down another Bills fan expressing their pride. And I like how they trolled Schefter. And the fact that Bills players are down with it is nice. And charity fundraising speaks for itself.


    But I still cringe. And I was under the impression that this was high school kids, not a grown man with kids. I'm sure the guy is nice and all but #billsmafia and "OG's" just sound so damn silly. Those that live out of town probably understand. I just hope it dies out soon.


    If you knew Del, the person who helped start it, i think most of you would change your toon. he is a diehard Bills fan, a great husband and father, and really a great guy.

    many people here laugh at 'National Media' guys when they put down Buffalo or the Bills. Del just stood up to one of those National Guys and defended his team. Sorry guys but you are wrong to be negative towards Del and the Bills Mafia. They also donate money to charitable groups. So really what is not to like? Because you do not understand Twitter? I do not either, but congrats to one of Buffalo's own getting some press.

    Yes i am a little biased, Del is married to my cousin. I have always found Del to be passionate about his Team and Town only behind his Faith and Family.

  6. Peter King is THE worst. All the garbled syntax, all the stories that go nowhere, all the equivocating...the use of LOFTIER and misuse of PRECOCIOUS, I cannot stand that man. He's been retired on the job for almost a decade now.


    If you havent read Fun with Peter King on Mondays, I would strongly suggest it.





  7. If I'm not mistaken a non profit event or organization is only required to donate 10% of it's profits.


    What's even worse, a lot of charities like this are increasingly getting rather creative on what they spend their money on - that 10% could go entirely to administrative costs - salaries, rent, vehicles, utilities, etc. and not on what the mission of the organization is. Fortunately, there are websites like Charity Navigator ( http://www.charitynavigator.org/ ) and others that actually rate Charities on such things as their financial health and transparency and accountability (you know, things that are pretty important). I'm pretty sure most people in the nonprofit world take these ratings pretty seriously, so if a charity isn't listed there (can't locate Maybin, Ferguson or CC's), they're probably not real charities.

  8. I've heard before how charities run by athletes (and rich people of all stripes) can sometimes just be vehicles to enrich friends and relatives. I've never actually seen anything that lays it out like this. Pretty disgusting. TBD's favorite son is also involved:



    Gang Green linebacker Aaron Maybin claims on his Web site that he has a nonprofit to help poor kids and that donations are tax-deductible. But his charity is registered as a for-profit company.



  9. Yep, that's exactly why I'm not sending this Ortiz one back until "Bad Things, Man!" shows up in my mailbox. They take three weeks to process our orders and ship the damn thing, but sure enough they can get that return shipping label to us pretty damn quickly! :rolleyes:


    This was the response they gave me. I asked them why they couldn't just send the Bruce Smith replacement out WITH the return shipping label but that was totally sidestepped. To me, I think its BS and if I were you I'd get that refund ASAP. Who knows if they'll even be in business next week.



    Good Morning,


    Thank you for contacting me with your concern. What had happened is the shipping department ended up grabbing off of the wrong pallet, therefore sending out the wrong item. We have all of the Bruce Smiths in the warehouse, and we are having people send back the David Oritz so we can send them out the correct item. The reason it says sold out on the website is because all of these items have sold, but were just miss shipped. It is not a scam it was just an honest mistake that unfortunately we did not catch in time. I hope this helps to answer your question. If you have any more questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.


    Warmest Regards,


    Nicole Adams

    Customer Service


  10. This is pretty funny. I got referred to this from a friend and after I ordered I saw the link on here. Like everyone else it took 3 weeks and lots of complaining to give me the proper USPS tracking info - why the hell didn't they just give it to us in the first place? On Tuesday I finally go it, but I didn't take a look at it until everyone said they were receiving the Ortiz. Sure enough, his ugly mug was on the package.


    When I emailed them again, they tried pulling the crap "we'll send you the return tracking, and once we receive it you'll get your new fathead." I wasn't going to fall for that, especially since the website says it is sold out. Just got my refund today, thank god! I'll probably try and dump the Ortiz on craigslist, but the lesson here is if it sounds too good to be true, it is!


    For anyone that is returning Ortiz and getting the Bruce, let us know how that goes! I wanna see if theyll actually get it right this time!

  11. Working from home today and I had Colin Cowherd on ESPN tv. Never really watched/heard the guy before but I've obviously heard an earful about the guy from this board. So I'm doing some work and I hear the guy scream "GM of Cubs is fired! GM of Cubs is fired! I'm breaking this!" Then goes back and says, "hold on, I need confirmation." After commercial he says "my bad I just read speculation."


    Does this go on regularly with this idiot? That sounds pretty irresponsible, especially if for the last 10 minutes you've screamed that the media hasn't acted rationally about LeBron.



  12. Terrence McGee isn't done. He was on the show a few weeks ago and even talked about how he misses returning kicks and wouldn't mind getting the chance again.


    I won't say anything about Florence because my views are jaded by being inside the locker room. Good-enough football player, but McKelvin is in his third year. Should be alright.


    Corner is by no means dog meat, and I wouldn't be surprised if Jairus Byrd might slide into some slot coverage if any one of the new safeties are promising enough.... at least situationally.


    Can you elaborate?? Jaded as in you like the guy or you don't?

  13. Did anyone see Florio's comment regarding the score?


    "That said, scoring too high can be as much of a problem as scoring too low. Football coaches want to command the locker room. Being smarter than the individual players makes that easier. Having a guy in the locker room who may be smarter than every member of the coaching staff can be viewed as a problem — or at a minimum as a threat to the egos of the men who hope to be able when necessary to outsmart the players, especially when trying in some way to manipulate them."




    Do you think this is true regarding QB's??? Now if we're talking about a CB, LB, ect, I could see this. But a QB? He's supposed to be the leader of the team...a guy who can and will challenge the coach AND be smart by doing it behind closed doors. I just don't see this as an issue with a QB.



  14. Don't hate the playa, hate the game. Yet seriously, a shame Donahoe got wrapped up in Willis McGahee as one has to wonder had we drafted say Eric Steinbach or Dallas Clark instead what Travis could have done here long term.


    except donahoe probably saw what was on the horizon. i think at that time he had quite a few kids already and I believe he had failed a few drug tests. this has been hashed over a few times. Remember how quickly he was suspended in 05 for violating the drug policy? He had a few strikes against him already.


    Obviously the bills should/coulda/woulda went about it a little differently, like oh maybe trading a two time 1300+ rusher before the draft, but hindsight is always 20/20.

  15. The players will always be the huge winners. The owners are already multi million or billionaires without the NFL. The players come from all kinds of back grounds, some with and some without legitimate college degrees, and earn millions of dollars. That is crazy. I don't care if they are "entertainers" and all elite "entertainers" earn millions. I don't care that they put their lives on the line, and in many cases risk major injuries and have major problems after their careers are over with their health. You can say the exact same thing about fire fighters, police officers and military soldiers.


    I wish the 32 owners of the NFL would shut the whole thing down and start it all over again. The goal would be to cater to the average fan instead of television and corporations. Every major sport should do the exact same thing, especially in today's economic times. Here is what should happen:


    1) Every NFL team should sign a 50 year irrovocable lease with their current cities and should go back to paying those cities and counties good money for the right to play in those publicly funded stadiums, including going back to paying those cities and counties parking and concessions money. (The very few owners that paid for their own stadiums with zero public funding can be free to negotiate more favorable leasing terms, but they should still sign a 50 year lease.)


    2) PSL's should be banned. (However owners could still charge for their luxury suites whatever their individual markets will bear)


    3) All ticket prices for seats in every NFL stadium should be cut by at least 50%.


    4) Screw Los Angeles. The NFL should not allow any current team to move there, but instead force them to start from scratch as an expansion team - and in fact add another expansion team from another city that has never had NFL football to keep the number of teams even.


    So how on earth do the owners afford to take these 4 fan-friendly steps you might ask? Very easy - reduce the money they pay the players. Cut the salary cap in half - at least. What is it now, (or what was it before this past 2010 uncapped season) - about 125 Million dollars per year per team? Are you freakin' kidding me? Cut that in half, and each team will immediately save 62.5 Million dollars. Per year. Gee, that means Tom Brady and Peyton Manning will only earn 8 Million dollars each instead of 16 Million per season?? How on earth will they ever survive?? And the last guy on the team - the 53rd guy to make the roster, will have to "get by" on only $100,000.00 per season instead of $200,000.00?? Are you telling me that some 7th round draft choice or rookie free agent that over-performs and beats the odds to make the roster at the final cut, won't think it's worth "his trouble" to earn $100,000.00 per season? What are his other options, a sweet $30,000.00 a year entry level marketing job in the real world - if (and that's a huge if) he earned a bachelors degree in college??


    I say shut it all down owners, and start it up again from scratch. Every major sport should cut it's payroll by half at the end of their current seasons, and give that money back to the average fans who cannot afford to even attend any of the games anymore. But first and foremost, the NFL needs to do that. They won't of course. But I would love to see it because really....what could the players do??


    "Every man a King, I tell ya'"

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