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Posts posted by StupidNation

  1. i'm a huge fan of greer (UT player) but he is not anywhere near as good as McGee. Greer was ready to start and wanted and deserved starter money. We might not have drafted McKelvin and kept him at corner, maybe and used the McKelvin pick to take...oh...maybe offensive tackle Ryan Clady who was drafted just after him. Having a first rate starting tackle on deck while you are being leveraged by Jason Peters might have sent a message, and if Jason did get signed having a Peters/Clady tackle combination might have been pretty darn effective.


    I strongly disagree. Why sign a good player to decent money when you can overpay and lose a pick with a guy like McKelvin over a guy who would be a stronger contribution to the team on a position of more serious importance. I mean with decisions like yours we would consistently get better. What's your problem?

  2. On my way home from the game yesterday, as I do after every game, I listened to 550am until I lost reception then switch over to 1180am, which broadcasts the officail postgame show in Rochester. On both stations, fans called im and left their two cents about how TO should be benched because he is not helping the team win, not giving 100%, saying he should have been traded etc. I am talking 3-5 callers on each station in the half hour or so I listened to each.


    This suprised me. Who actually thought that TO was brought here to win/try? He was a ticket seller 100%. Something like 8000 season tickets were sold the 24 hrs after his signing was announced, mission complete. There are no ifs ands or buts about it, TO was a 100% marketing move. Signing TO was not done for wins but for money - this is somethign I thought everyone understood and accepted, I guess I was wrong.


    T.O really is a competitor for just about every season of his career. I think he just gave up here. If you've never watched him play you don't realize that USED TO play like an animal.


    I'm more upset I can't watch Johnson develop over T.O. I mean the season is over I want to see what we have. Johnson may suck but he has shown more than Hardy and the other scrubs.

  3. I've always blamed that on Jordan. Not that it was his fault, but that right around the time that Jordan became a megastar, the NBA went from a league that gave its superstar players the "benefit of the doubt" on calls -- meaning if it was close, the star got the call -- to a league where the superstar gets virtually all calls. Granted, there were refs who wouldnt foul Wilt Chamberlain out of a game, but he and other superstars like Jabbar and Bird and Magic would get the benefit of the doubt, but not almost every single call. Kobe gets that now. It's my opinion, watching a lot of NBA games, that Jordan was the first.


    I 100% agree. I cannot tell you how many times Jordan went up for a jumper and missed the shot and a foul was called after he missed. Replays would show over and over how the foul was non-existent and the announcers would try to make something up. It was so bad I ended up hating the NBA over it and stopped watching for a time. Jordan ruined the NBA for me. I'm positive that he would not have a fraction of the titles he has, nor finished with 30 points a game if a game was called accurately one game in his life as a Bull.


    The true nail in the coffin of the NBA was Shaq. Sorry but Ewing couldn't flop (his knees were shot), neither did Robinson, Olajawon (spelling), or the other good centers of the time. They needed another superstar and Shaq destroyed the league every bit or more than Jordan did for me. I've never seen a guy lay so many elbows and throw his body into people, spin, then dunk his way to stardom. No other center before him got away with a fraction of what he did.


    I do admit that Jordan with the Wizards didn't get as many calls, but the NBA became unwatchable.

  4. Factoids:

    -Cushing was available when we picked... so what, we needed Oher who has more worth to a team and his upside so far has been huge


    -Maybin is not NFL ready and may never be. Just not strong enough. He should try to be a LB if he has no real chance to do anything as a DE


    -Rookie DE need time to excel... rarely is that true. A bad rookie with upside gets 4-8 sacks for the season. Mabin will get 2-3 sacks at most, and is mathematically projected to a whopping ZERO sacks.


    -His strength is no where near DE level. His size increase from the 230's to 250 for the combine is not real strength increase, but roid muscle. It helps for leverage, but not for strength. He's not showing leverage or strength. Getting "big" is not the same thing as getting strong. Strength training is at the 4-6 rep range, muscle growth is best at the 8-12 rep range.


    Honestly though, he who cares as we have no identity on offense and our defense plays well without Maybin. I just more upset we aren't playing Ellis over Maybin and see what he has.

  5. Please tell me you are kidding, he said after the game it was a desperation move, because the offense wasn't doing anything all game long. For lack of a better term it was a hail mary on his entire coaching career, and as expected, it failed. This team has run it's course with DJ and the only way things can even begin to ever possibly get better is to fire him, and bring in a coach who has a working knowledge of the NFL and the fire and passion to hold players accountable


    Sure it was a desperation move, but it was a desperation move to win. That was the guy's point but you can't understand basic logic or reasoning. If you were playing not to lose you would never do that.

  6. Change the QB all you want, our O-line is not an NFL line. They would hardly be a top 5 college team's line and I say that honestly. Most teams in the top 5 have 3 or 4 guys that will go in the draft. We have 2 guys playing tackle who weren't even good enough to get drafted.


    Only our guards are any good, but we have too much pressure on every play from every direction.

  7. Just curious - was Kevin Everett a 'bust'? I guess, because he tore up his knee on the first day of his first minicamp, struggled back on special teams the following season, then nearly broke his neck in a career-ending freak accident the first game of the next season, some would define him as a 'bust'.


    For me, the defnition of a 'bust' is player who, after a few seasons, obviously is never going to play up to expectations folks had for him - i.e., Mike Williams, J.P. Losman, Ashton Youboty, Trent Edwards, etc. I don't define a guy who had a few starts, got hurt at the end of his rookie season, and has yet to play a game this season as a 'bust', since he really hasn't had the opportunity to show whether he's going to be All Pro, or suck out loud.


    Just sayin'.


    Some of your bust comparisons are also guys with 3 seasons on the team picked in the 3rd round. If you don't consider Everett a bust than you cannot say Youbouty or Edwards are busts.


    In fact, they all are!!!


    Just sayin'

  8. It's pretty funny that you'd use Aristotle as your philosophical foundation against gay tolerance, particularly since Aristotle lived in a society that thought men hooking up with boys was all well and good.


    Actually it's funny that it wasn't openly tolerated in the society of Greeks until it's final 50 years (not a coincidence) of greatness, it's even funnier that you associate a time of civilation with the person writing it as if they can be equated.


    Maybe I should associate you with socialism, attacking other nations sovereignty while lying, homosexuality, NAMBLA and other things because you "lived in a society that thought" (to use your words) that are accepted. I mean didn't you know that the American Psychiatric Association has members which see nothing wrong with pedophilia if the youngster is ok with it and I should associate you with such thought too right? The movie L.I.E was given indy rave reviews, should I associate you with that powerful movie too?


    Remember that non sequiturs are not only bad logic, but just lazy thinking. You cannot associate a person with a culture, any more than I can do that to you or you to me.

  9. David Carr? Why dont you just bring in Jp Loserman too. I rather shoot myself than watch david carr play qb. You bring in a winner, not a guy that knows how to get sacked or lose games. Bringing in Carr is stupid. Now, I agree with bring in a rookie, but you have to use Bill Parcels theory. Bring in a 3 year starter (in college) who knows how to win


    NOT DAVID CARR (that may be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard) Who does he even play for this year?


    Have you seen him play this year or last? He plays smoother with the game. He played for the Giants and has looked decent.


    I would read what I just posted, right above what you said and you will understand I wanted him for depth, not as a starter.

  10. I never said I wanted Carr to start for us. I just don't see the great rookie or FA that starts. I think having him for a back-up wouldn't be a bad idea and would be better competition for a starter between Fitz and TE. It would be TE, Fitz, Carr.


    Yes, I know Carr has sucked, but he looks far more mature in his 2 years with the Giants. Whoever thinks I said I want Carr as the undisputed starter is a retard.


    I never realized Smith was a FA this year as well... knowing that I would take Smith over Carr, although he might play well enough to make it a tagging thing with the 49ers if he continues to play at this level.

  11. Well I saw Carr play last year and this year and he looked ok. He wasn't a world-beater, but he looked better than most on this roster. I like the idea of Volek, but not Simms. To this day Volek upsets me... he could've been our starter.


    I was on the other message board on the buffalobills.com site and asked for Warner when the Rams cut him and when the Giants cut him. People were dogging me for his thumb, but I knew he had game in him left.


    I just want 4 guys in camp who are better than FA rookie status fighting it out with a developmental rookie who has upside. I don't see anyone in this draft I really want to call my franchise.


    As far as staying with Trent... ok fine... but show me where he has been a NFL QB this whole year. Even in the NE game it was all checkdowns.

  12. He's matured quite a bit, and he's older. He's always had great potential and has looked good as a QB now that he's older and more mature. Now we should get a rookie with a high upside but needs development. That's why I like Pike from Cinci.


    We keep TE and see if his brain and unfreeze from down-field-initis and keep Fitz. Hamdan can go at this point. I could be happy with that for next year...


    And oh yeah, get rid of the head coach unless he is willing to be demoted to DC with a paycut. The guy cannot lead an offense.

  13. Are we talking about FOX news and facts in the same sentence. This news channel has an obvious hidden agenda. FOX news is a joke.


    The U.S. economy grew at a 3.5% annual rate in the third quarter, ending a string of declines over four quarters that resulted in the most severe slide since the Great Depression. FACT...


    Genius, take billions of dollars, give it to people to spend the economy will rise on the surface level and people will oh and ahh without thinking.


    The real question is, and the reason why democracy will never be a good form of gov't because people will never learn about their country, was it the right thing to do while simultaneously destroying the dollar through inflation? In other words if inflation in real terms, not gov't terms, goes up 8% according to the dollar index dropping but the economy going "up" 3% we had a 5% drop in real terms of what our dollar buys.


    You can't compare with the Great Depression because we had asset based currency. The Fed is screwed with anything they do, if they raise interest rates it hurts "recovery" and housing and if they keep it low they are continuing to devalue the dollar. This problem never existed.

  14. I am not sure what is worst about this thread. People talking about free speech and acting like free speech doesn't have private consequences, people who think that because this isn't about "free speech" in the constitutional sense that we cannot consider whether there's a problem with what has happened here, people who like Larry Johnson, people making fun of gays or people who are sanctimonious about the whole thing.


    While we are on the subject, please don't say that the Bills or anyone "suck." The use of "suck" in that way comes from a description of fellatio and a similar slur for homosexual men. Thank you in advance.


    Or people acting as if they are above it all pretending they aren't. An act, such as homosexuality, cannot define a person. A person is above an act. Making fun of homosexual acts and the people who do them used to be something which was revered in society as they knew moral norms and displayed disgust either through disdain or through sarcasm.


    The biggest problem in all of this is how so many people think homosexuality is fine or normal and believe the greater consequence is the statement and not the depravity in the act.


    As Aristotle, the greatest of philosphers, said, "Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying civilization."

  15. I love how apparently theres only one choice, that when healthy it has to be either Whitner or Byrd. What has Wilson done thats been so incredible that he deserves to take a starting job away from Whitner?


    Well I don't know, those 2 INTs those last 2 weeks would not happen with Whitner. Whitner has 3 INTs his entire career. Wilson has started a fraction of the games of Whitner with more turn-overs. Wilson probably has 10% of the snaps of Whitner and has more INTs. What does that tell you?


    Did you see the INT last week when he jumped up and snatched the ball? Whitner would never do that... EVER...

  16. That's the thing though, he's not getting beat like a drum. He had 3 bad plays yesterday, one of them resulting in a sack, out of all the offensive snaps. No one ever plays a perfect game. I just think all the "he sucks" talk is a little premature, and not really fact based. Looking for some input from some of the OL gurus to either confirm or deny.


    Well that's kind of the problem... if you average a sack per game with 2 false starts as a staring tackle you shouldn't play in the NFL.

  17. Actually, he's the same age as Ramsey - but is a 4X Pro Bowl QB. Given our situation, I cant understand why we're not bringing him in for a look, unless maybe he doesn't want anything to do w/TO...


    Garcia's favorite target while with the 49ers was WR Terrell Owens. Although the two made the Pro Bowl three times along with back-to-back playoff appearances, they had a rocky off-field relationship, with much of the blame being placed on Terrell Owens for the reason. This included Owens inferring in a Playboy interview that Garcia was a homosexual by saying, "If it looks like a rat and smells like a rat, by golly, it is a rat," alluding to Garcia's lisp and demeanor.


    Following his 2004 trade to Philadelphia, Owens began speaking out and blaming Garcia for the 49ers' offensive struggles during the 2003 season (49ers finished 7-9, Garcia 18 TD passes, 13 Ints). Garcia was constantly trying to keep Owens happy while Owens complained of not getting the ball enough.




    Garcia born in 1970 and Ramsey 1979. I like the idea of Ramsey actually and Garcia over anything we have.


    Oh, and the idea of Losman slinging a huge game for like 160 yards and 6 sacks is not my idea of fun.

  18. The play was remisicent of a deep pass to Lee last year or the year before, where Trent underthrew him and Evans didn't/couldn't fight for the ball. It was taken as a poor effort by Lee. The truth is, when you're running full bore downfield, it's not easy to come back for the ball. The ball actually was perfectly thrown...to the DB, who had an easy play on the ball.


    Go watch Fitzgerald of the Cards. He would kick his mother to after the ball. In the case of T.O's play he was stopped, watched and didn't even try to react. In Lee's case he is not known for fighting for balls up high. I have yet to see him EVER fight for a high ball.

  19. I'm sorry, but about half the league has good to great QBs. The league is QB rich from WR friendly rules, to QB rules which protect them from injury, not to mention the game prep these guys do. The fact we aren't in the good half of QBs only proves we either can't coach them well enough, or we haven't got the right scouts to get there.

  20. Whitner did improve this year, but not enough to start at SS or FS. He is a solid tackler, but not a ball-hawk. I'll take a ball-hawk to a solid tackler. Ball-hawks change games, solid tacklers stop big gains.


    I'll take a QB throwing over 300 yards if it means 3 INTs and changing the game. 3 INTs change games period, although, don't expect this every game. I would be happy with 1-2 INTs per game from the secondary and any more is gravy.

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