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8-8 Forever?

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Posts posted by 8-8 Forever?

  1. 4 hours ago, NastyNateSoldiers said:

    Got us taking another Cornerback.  This is why u don't trade Ronald Darby with 2yrs left on his deal.  Philly fleeced us on that one. Matthews is a average Wr that might not of made the team in Philly  and a 3rd is not enough for a corner that i seen Philly using one on one with Julio Jones for most of the game. Darby is a upper echelon corner we should of given him more time to adjust to our new system and culture. Sometimes u got to give guys time to buy in.  

    that's what happens when you blow up the coaching staff. . they do things their way.    Bills D was good this year.    Not sure why everyone is freaking out about the Defense.  

  2. 6 hours ago, EricScott said:

    The reports are that the Browns were ready to give the Bengals a second and a third round pick for him in their botched trade attempt. That's literally a higher price than the Pats got from the 49'ers for Jimmy G. He's only 27 and doesn't have a lot of tread on the tires. I guess I'm just puzzled by the seeming lack of interest in him on this board. I just think getting him for a relatively reasonable rate and having all of our picks available to make the team around him stronger is at least something to think about. Is Mason Rudolph, for example, any less of a gamble than McCarron would be?

    who cares what posters are thinking.   i can assure you the Bills are looking at him.  

  3. 5 hours ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    It certainly should be explored, and it's fairly easily doable.


    According to the point chart, it would take both 1sts and our earlier 2nd. We'd still be left with 1 2nd round pick, and wouldnt have to spend any of next year's picks.


    The only issue is that other teams, such as the Jets, might try moving up and Cleveland would stay in the top 10. But no other team has 2 1sts to offer this year, so we have that going for us.

    this is likely

  4. 21 minutes ago, Captain Hindsight said:

    With Jimmy G likely to be franchised, would you sign him to an offer sheet and give up the two 1st rounders to get him?




    SF would want more than two at the bottom of the first round.  no question.  the guy is proven NFL-ready.   we can't even trade our two 1st round picks to get in the top 5, so why would SF trade G for essentially a 8th or 9th round 1 pick, when all the franchise QB types will be gone.   


    the bills screwed themsevles for the draft by getting to the playoffs.  a fair trade in my view, but they did screw the franchise QB pooch by doing it.  trading both no. 1s (21 and 22) only gets them maybe the 7th pick in the draft, assuming anyone wants the deal in the first place

  5. 37 minutes ago, MTBill said:

    I suspect this is to replace Colt Anderson on ST, he was injured most of this year.  Seeing as he (Anderson) played his college games where I live, it is sort of sad - but he had a good career.


    No idea where McCray was.  I saw on that link he tried out for the Chiefs late in the season.  Otherwise seems to have been out of the league for no apparent reason.

    trust the process.  they are just roster building.  Its all good.  top calibre special teamers who can also play a position at an NFL level are hard to come by.   grab them when they become available.   Colt Anderson is an injury machine.   My sense would be the coaches are regrettably done with him ... 

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  6. 7 hours ago, Blokestradamus said:


    Apparently smart enough to get into Stanford but this seems like a poor decision.


    I admire the loyalty to coaches and the school, even the pursuit of educational excellence. Hard to imagine his stock being much higher and you can tack on another 300 touches into the wear & tear column.

    even been there?  spend a couple days on that campus and you'd stay all 4 years, trust me.  pro football can wait , that has to be a once in a lifetime opportunity

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 2 hours ago, CanadianFan said:

    This past season was a great success due to McDermott's ability to pull some rabbits out of the hat. Creating something out of nothing. 


    I know everyone's congratulating the coaching and management for the success. But let's reflect on what contributed to that success. What did Beane add to that team?  His biggest free agency signing - was Anquan Boldin. Who contributed ZERO catches to the team's 31st ranked passing offense. 


    His biggest trade acquisition was - Kelvin Benjamin. Who provided 16 catches for the 31st ranked passing offense. Essentially, Beane had ZERO POSITIVE IMPACT for 2017. 


    Beane will have to prove his worth, and earn some of the accolades he's gotten undeservedly from this past season. As a famous football movie said, "SHOW ME THE MONEY".

    I'm waiting.

    you'll be waiting for end of '19 season... trust the process

  8. 10 hours ago, Rubes said:

    I know this has certainly come up in the past, but I'm old as !@#$ and I can't remember any of the arguments for or against it. But watching these last few weeks of games got me thinking about this again, as several critical defensive PI calls have come up that dramatically swung the tide in favor of the offense.


    I hate that defensive PI is a spot foul—obviously when it happens when the Bills are on defense, but also even when the Bills get a call like that on offense, because it just seems like such a cheap way to get a ton of yards. Especially when it happens in the end zone and the ball is placed at the 1. I really despise that. And I don't like that this has actually become part of offensive strategy, to throw it up and look for that possibility.


    Any time there is a defensive penalty like unnecessary roughness that comes with 15 yards and an automatic first down, it's pretty great if you're on offense and hurts bad if you're on defense, no matter where the ball is or the situation.


    Enough with the spot foul on defensive PI. Make it 15 yards and an automatic first down. That's painful enough for a defense. Hell, offensive PI is only 10 yards.


    bc less commercial time would be sold bc the NFL would be less interesting and lower scoring bc dbs would be mauling wrs 

  9. 10 hours ago, Tatonka68 said:

    You need a great QB to win in playoffs, so Bills draft one this year. No more 2nd hand quarterbacks.

    I think these playoffs are showing that takeaways, running the ball,  playing great defense and did I say takeaways and the resulting  short fields  are what wins games.    So maybe the Bills draft a QB, sign a vet QB and go from there, as they have been doing.   Use the rest of the picks on PBA.  

  10. 10 hours ago, DefenseWins said:


    The situation will play itself out in FA. Cousins could stay in Washington, or sign with Denver or the Jets, maybe even the Cardinals...


    And where do those two Minn QB's end up? (Bradford and Bridgewater) assuming that they sign and keep Keenum...


    And then there is the Cinci backup QB McCarron whose status is unclear at the moment...


    This will help clear the air as to who may be drafting a QB highly besides the Browns and Giants presumably,,,,




    yeah you need to hope Cousins, McCarron and Luck take up 3 of these high pick QB need teams... don't hope too too much though..   the Bills look to be out of the running for a top QB in the best QB draft class in years.   Very Billsy of them.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Shaw66 said:

    I think the off-season that secures the Bills' future is to write the big check for Cousins.  I haven't studied the cap situation, but on the assumption the Bills could find the room, I think that's the way to go.


    Why?  Two part answer:


    1.  Looking for a QB in the draft is a crapshoot, even near the top of round 1.  Teams have demonstrated for years that it simply isn't easy to identify the right guy in draft.    So you're much better off if you can solve your QB problem another way and use your picks to build the rest of the team.   That isn't easy to do, but if you can do it, you're way ahead of the game.  That's what the Seahawks did - admittedly with a little luck, they solved their QB problem with Wilson in the third round.   The result was that they had a lot of picks, in earlier years and for a year or two later, and they acquired a lot of cheap talent in the draft.   


    So if the Bills can fill the QB slot without burning a lot of picks, that's the way to go.  They have those five picks in the first three rounds, which means they can get a lot of good young talent to bolster the team at several positions.   


    And, if they sign Cousins, they still can take a shot at a decent young QB in the draft where they see value.  Maybe they'll get lucky and have a kid on the bench who can grow into the job and eventually take it from Cousins. 


    2.  Why Cousins?   Do I think he's a HOF QB?   No.   But I think you're playing a fool's game if your objective is to get a Hall of Fame QB.   To do that, you have to pick at the top of the draft and then hope things work out, because the top of the draft is where Hall of Fame QBs come from.    And if you tell me that there's Brady and Watson and Brees, then fine, my strategy plays right into that - pick a QB along the way when you see what you think is a good one. 


    But in the meantime, you want to compete, and to compete you need a top 10 QB.   I've said that for years.   After Taylor's first year I said that if he'd keep playing at that level, he'd be the guy.   Unfortunately, it's two years later and he hasn't played at the same level, he's dropped to the point where he's an average or below average QB in the league, and that isn't good enough. 


    Cousins IS a top 10 QB.   He's had three good seasons, altho 2017 fell off a bit.   His passer rating comfortably averages in the top 10.   He has good size.   He seems smart and in control of the game.   He sees and is willing to make the throws Taylor doesn't and isn't.   Actually, in some ways he reminds me of Kelly.   Not the best thrower, but good enough.   Tough.   Competitor.


    So pay him.   Get him in Buffalo.   It means you're not going after any other high priced free agents, because you won't have the cap room.   But that's okay.   Benjamin is the only who will be coming off a contract soon who will get a big contract.   Watkins and Dareus are gone.  McCoy won't get another huge deal.   


    Load up on talent in the draft, and go to work.   


    If you have Cousins on a six-year deal, you can draft an occasional QB.   If you find one who looks like the guy, then you cut Cousins late in his contract and eat some cap room, if necessary to keep the youngster.   And if somehow Cousins emerges into a true star, then you trade the youngster you drafted, like the Pats have done over and over again, and you ride Cousins for the next 8-10 years.  


    Make me GM for a day and that's where I'm going.   

    agree.   no QB, no success

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