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Posts posted by bills1960

  1. The thing that amazes me was that on the pregame show Mark Kelso was saying how if we continue to run the read option that EJ will continue to get hurt. Um, What? We don't run the read option, we haven't all year. Manuel has been hurt three times this season but not because of that, but because he's injury prone.

  2. He really did not look all that ready in most of his starts. Sure, he didn't look particularly miserable in all of them but there was not one game this year where he carried the team on his back like a franchise QB is supposed to do every now and then.


    Additionally, who the heck cares how Geno or Glennon have looked in comparison. Those are not our QBs. Just because they come from the same draft class does not mean that their play (or lack their of) has any significance when evaluating EJ.

  3. I absolutely love Sammy Watkins as a number one WR. Dude plays with a mean streak. He isn't the biggest target on the field, for that you have to look towards Mike Evans. But Watkins is the kind of guy who'll elect to stay in bounds rather than duck out and lower his shoulder into a defender to get an extra couple of yards. Not to mention he's much faster than Evans.

  4. Clean house with the WRs. Let Stevie go, let Graham go. That'll free up the #1 WR spot which we can address either through the draft or by making a splash in FA or via trade (Andre Johnson?). Move Goodwin to the slot where he should be, leave Woods as your #2 (hopefully he'll progress) and then get in a big framed number 3 WR again in either FA or the draft.

  5. What happened was when the Chiefs successfully traded for Alex Smith, whether the Bills were in the mix or not, they realized there was no one in this draft that would be truly ready to play this year. They did however see that EJ had the best PHYSICAL upside. That is not to say that it isn't the front office's fault for coming to this realization that late in the process. But I think that it is implied that they hoped for the best out of EJ but that they do not feel particularly obligated to give him two years.


    This is not your typical situation with a first round pick QB. The rookie wage scale does not weigh the Bills down financially. And we don't have the luxury to give the reigns to a guy we don't feel fully confident about. This defense is playoff caliber, especially with some minor improvements. The offensive line needs some work at guard but it doesn't need a major overhaul. That means it comes down to WR and QB. That's it. And whether it's Jay Cutler, Derek Carr or Brett Hundley back there next year it's acceptable but not EJ. For the sake of the fans, not EJ.

  6. I've really been encouraged by Pettine. The defense is far more aggressive than it's been in years past and the result has been more big plays (Ints and sacks). And despite all the injuries in the secondary in the beginning of the year, the Bills are only giving up 5.1 yards per play which is solid. Pettine will only make the defense better and better while he remains with the Bills.


    I've been less thrilled by Hackett. Obviously, he gets a bit of a flyer for the QB situation. Still the numbers aren't good. The Bills run a lot of plays in their fast paced offense so their overall offensive production isn't horrible. But they're only averaging 4.7 yards per play - third worst in the NFL. It's also concerning to see CJ's yards-per-carry drop by nearly 2 yards (from 6.0 to 4.1). Nathaniel doesn't seem to know how to create space for his star back.


    And Danny Crossman has performed about as expected - badly. He wasn't a good ST coach in Detroit and according to Football Outsiders, the Bills are ranked 27th so far this year.


    Let's hope the Bills make a run to end the season to create some positive momentum for next year and some credibility for Marrone. But even if they do, Marrone will need to make some hard decisions about his staff during the offseason. Crossman needs to go and Hackett needs to grow.


    Very good point on Crossman that people have been overlooking. The Special teams has hurt us about 3x more than it has helped us. The mishap with Powell was inexcusable and we've essentially gotten nothing out of our punt returns because the blocking has been so poor.

  7. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't the Wilsons have full control as to who they inevitably sell the team to? Just because this band of canadians might have billions at their disposal, don't you think the Wilson's would rather stay loyal to Ralph after his passing and sell it to a group with interest in Buffalo?


    So who the heck cares how much money they have, in the end the team is not theirs unless the Wilsons choose them and they won't.

  8. it's not so much that I think they'll make the playoffs as it is a reason to watch the game for more than just prospects for next year. There's no denying that the possibility of the playoffs makes these games about 400x more exciting.


    And you definitely cannot deny that, in terms of combined records, we have one of the easiest schedules moving forward.

  9. Why not? I'm more of a Mariotta fan myself but there's little doubt in my mind we will be taking a QB at some point in the draft. This team is not as young of a team as many think and the window for turning things around will not be open long enough if Manuel needs as much time to develop as I think he will.

  10. Comes down to this week for any chance at the playoffs. No way we win at NOLA and no way we win out, sorry. We do have some "easy teams" in TB, JAX and PIT but then again they're probably saying the same about us.

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