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Posts posted by Hossage

  1. That's right, because Wood is the team veteran leader right?


    Maybin is a scrub, a cocky bust of a first rounder who nobody likes or wants there. Otherwise, wood probably wouldnt have said that. I have heard from several people with the bills that maybin is an idiot. He doesnt pay attention in practice, and hasnt put on weight.

  2. most likely Wood doesnt "feel" like that, as much as it was a sweet burn. how many times do you bust balls on your friends about something? that doesnt mean you hate them. have you played football before? this **** happens all the time, even between "best friends"...


    I find it unlikely that a single member of the team thinks Maybin has earned his pay.

  3. no.


    benadryl is significantly better at blocking H1 receptors than any other available oral antihistamine..if you went to the er with a severe allergic rxn you would likely be given iv benadryl, steroids and possibly epinephrine. drugs like zantac block H2 receptors that play a minor role in histamine mediated immune response. you shouldn't take "a lot" of zyrtec. 10 mg is the max recommended daily dose and will block receptors almost as well as any higher dose. zyrtec, claritin and allegra are roughly equal in potency. (all are less than benadryl at max doses). be careful of what you read on the internet concerning medicine. i spend a good amount of my day debunking myths that people latch on to from it. if benadryl isn't working, zyrtec won't either.


    My experience in a similar situation is that zyrtec worked and benadryl did not. That was also the advice of my physician. Quite honestly, everything he said contradicted what you have said, as has my experience. I dont doubt you know what you are talking about, and am not asking you to take my advice for more than the nothing it is worth.

  4. Oh ... I didn't realize he had skinny hips, shoulders and wrists. He should probably be euthanized. My bad.


    Not euthanized, but we sure dont have a use for someone who has the same physique as James Hardy at linebacker. Ok, that was unfair, Maybin is a little more muscular than Hardy. A little.


    I actually think if Maybin had more experience playing at linebacker and in space that he could be a good player. If he turns out to have cover skills, his height and speed could help him when he drops back. He could be a good open field tackler. But he will never hold up in the run or rush the passer until he gains bulk.

  5. I couldn't agree more. This kid gets relentlessly bashed on this board on a daily basis. All of this "maybinot" stuff, etc. He's done nothing wrong except to not be an overnight success. Shame on him! Gimme a break.


    He has failed to gain weight. Maybe he cannot, but he looks awfully lean for a guy who is supposed to be adding 20 lbs.


    I am six three, 225 and I am a bigger man than Maybin is. I stood ten yards away from him him at the first open practice. He has very skinny hips, shoulders, and wrists. He runs like an oatrich, striaght up and down. He is a total joke. He looks athletic and in shape, though. Maybe he can play safety?

  6. You sound crazy. If anyone gets in your face on a football field as a football player you handle him. PERIOD. If not players will always try to punk you and they won't respect you. This is a different thing from carrying shoulder pads to the locker room. And who knows what Maybin is or isn't in the locker room; unless you are playing. I've seen Schobel interviewed. He never seems to like much so I wouldn't go by him. They don't have to like each other. They just have to play well.


    If it was a normal fight, I can see where you are coming from. But if you cheap shot a guy, dont compound your mistake and ratchet it up by throwing a punch. I think saying that is crazy is an exaggeration, but you can have your opinion.

  7. Actually he said it was just a shove at the end of a play.

    And you have turned that into a hit after the play. Repeatedly


    With your recurring tendency to exaggerate or even make things up, you should reconsider your habit of making claims about things players wives say that you've heard third-hand through unnamed sources.


    Simon, you will notice that my story, heard third hand through wives, was true and has been corroborated in the media. I lived next door to the guy. My neighbors will tell me these things. Nothing I have said about him has been other than the gospel truth. That makes you someone trying awfully hard to say something bad about me.


    Tim Graham described it as a shove, not a hit. Man, whatever.

  8. Dean, I see that the issue is whether he cheap shotted the guy or not. If the action of the play is over and maybin still hit him, then I consider the play to be over. This is practice. How quickly the whistle may have blown really is not the issue.


    Did you play football? It seems like you dont understand what I am saying at all. Maybe you just want to argue with me. Either way, I dont want to talk about this anymore.

  9. AT the end of the play. Not "after". HUGE difference and you should know that. There is no reason to lie to make a point.


    You really didn't hesitate to call me a liar. I corrected myself before, but that didn't stop you. I dont really see the difference, it was a cheapshot from behind at the end of the play. I think you are trying to argue and looking at the letter of this rather than what really happened.

  10. Tim grahams account said it was from behind at the end of the play. The point is it was a cheapshot. Normally in practice you hit full on, but you do try not to injure your teammates. You dont hit a receiver laying out for a ball, or someone from behind when they dont expect it.


    Coaches want players that play for each other, not cheapshot our stars.

  11. Gotta love old guys bashing a 22 yo living a life they could never imagine. Some of you need to get a life.


    If you are that worried about what a bunch of guys with no lives think about Maybin, maybe you are in the same boat with us. Not trying to be a dick, im just saying.

  12. For all of you who say Maybin is immature bc he rocked Fred. Shut. Up. You are making these posts painful to read through.


    This happens every training camp. I'm just happy Maybin is getting into it.



    The only thing that concerned me out of this post, is that Maybin was dropped to his ass my f'ing Hangartner. You think James Harrison gets dropped by any O-Lineman? Doubtful.


    You dont hit a guy from behind after a play in practice.

  13. Antihistamines help. The strongest over the counter antihistamine is zyrtec, or cetrizine in generic form. I think this will provide you with some relief. It is much stronger than the old benadryl pills. You can take a lot of them, but the side effect is drowsiness. I really would try zyrtec in addition to topical treatments.

  14. From Mike322's report:


    6. On the negative side, Aaron Maybin still seems tiny. He struggled in some individual drills and may only be a limited pass rusher and nothing more. I'll definitely keep an eye on him more often. I have a lot of hope for Maybin, but so far..not a great start.

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