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Posts posted by Hossage

  1. I read your post several times. You quoted him as above. He dumped on rookies, Maybin, the current linebackers and his previous coaching staff.


    Go back and reread it. If it's true-repost it.


    Don't play stupid with me. You exaggerated what I said. I clearly did not say he was smarter, faster and stronger than all of his teammates and coaches. Why are you attempting to play this game with me?

  2. Someone has a high opinion of himself. I don't doubt that your "convo" didn't take place but I am willing to bet it is embellished. First of all what pro in his right mind outside of T.O. would talk all of that trash about current coaches and team mates? Secondly, The guy is supposedly close friends with Kelsay than he bashes him?? Just not buying it.


    The entire team was in revolt at that point. Take it or leave it.

  3. Is it anymore factual than the one where Schobel confided in you that he is smarter, faster and stronger than any of his stupid teammates or coaches?


    Even though you have misrepresented what I said, it was the truth, and this is too. You dont have to believe me. Whatever, dude.


    Buffalotone, you dont believe me either? Cool, whatever.

  4. My whole issue with your original ORIGINAL post was that you kinda took a private convo between friends and made it PUBLIC! Assuming that it's true (and it may very well be), why would you secretly write down private things that a guy said when he was drunk and then post those comments a year later on a message board. That's not what friends do to each other. It smacks of underhandedness


    Sorry, but that's how I feel


    I don't agree. I waited for a year to post that, until the administration was long gone and he had announced his plans, so as not to give him bad press. I dont think he said much that everyone didnt already suspect or know. We werent drunk, and I wrote it down to send it to a friend of mine. I am just some anonymous guy on the internet. Its not like I printed it in the paper.


    He thought the coaches were idiots, and the rookies spoiled. Big deal. Schobel isnt stupid. Even then he was probably playing up his retirement in order to be traded or at least miss camp. He was probably using me by saying all of that. I wasnt sworn to secrecy.

  5. with all due respect. that's not what he told me. he said the plan is to have his family move up here, because he doesn't want to travel back and forth to Texas to see them. also, one of the reasons he wants to make the decision by mid-August is because that's when his children start school, and he wants to make sure he can get them back into the same school they attended in the Buffalo-area.

    he has no intention of traveling back and forth to see his family because he's starting to realize that would wear him out, so the plan is for the family to move up here.




    I heard the story third hand, and didn't probe much. I assumed since he was renting here they were staying in texas. Last i had heard, that was the plan. But yeah, good stuff.

  6. I think at this point we all assumed Schobel would be back, but sources deep within the leafy suburb of Orchard Park (er, his wife) confirm that #94 is back. Thank god for gossiping housewives. He is planning on renting a place up here. Maybe this thread won't get deleted.

  7. Exactly, i've talked to a organization person who has said the same about aaron. He is not a team guy, really only cares about himself and is always grumpy. Not a guy who will do more than he has to. He is not someone you build a defense around. Just because he doesnt run his mouth in the media doesnt mean he a "class act"


    That is a faithful description of him. Aaron feels that the rah-rah stuff is stupid, that the coaches are blowhards, and that most of the guys he plays with are wimps. However, he is tough, and plays hard.

  8. My bet of what Schobel is really thinking about at this time:


    Think about the following, Schobel is 32, has made a ton of money, has gotten used to the lavish lifestyle and is getting tired of the football scene (as do most people with their jobs after a while). The big problem he is facing is "What am I going to do after football?". As much money as these guys make, they spend it just as fast with the big house, fancy cars, etc. When you turn the spigot off, you either need to find another source of income or cut down the spending.


    As football season is drawing closer, I think reality is setting in. Does he go get a job making $40K a year and start working his way up the company ladder or does he play for 6 more months for $6mm. Most of this country won't see $6mm in a lifetime and he can make it in 6 months. He can always join the real world next year.


    Schobel has just built a large mansion and is not hurting for money. He owns a tree farm.

  9. Yeah, I have a few rusty shotguns and an inherited rifle or two, but I dont get to shoot or hunt much. I still have a wish list of about a dozen guns that I will never actually buy. I dont have a pistol or a permit.

  10. Booster, if you're going to pollute my thread, at least try to be funny. Or creative. Or something. Anything, but annoying.

    Because that's your gig. You're annoying.


    I'm asking nicely. Please stop. Go somewhere else.



    Think of how much better life would be if you weren't such a dickhead. Take that vision, and shut the hell up with it.


    That was ladyslit, booster. It is a classier compound insult.

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