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Posts posted by sleaky72

  1. I have got to say this about Fewell but it is a sheer miracle that he gets these guys to give as much as they give. They simply have the bare bones in terms of talent, but boy do they play with heart.


    I mean how can Josh Reed drop a sure touchdown from a QB laboring on one leg.


    Whoa did we just score. If we lose Josh Reed has a lot to answer? That should have been the tying score

  2. I would guess that this is pretty accurate. Tomlin is a pretty decent head coach but I think the "Rooney" rule came back and bit them in the a-$$ on this one. At some point in time, the Steelers would have to cave on the rule and the timing and hiring of Tomlin worked out for them to squelch the NFL committee's bitching about it. I'm sure if the rule wasn't in place, we wouldn't be discussing the possibility of Grimm because he would already be off the market.



    Wow, give me the kind of affirmative action for a Super Bowl winning coach :thumbdown: I guess we should select a head coach because of the way they talk :thumbdown:

  3. So Schobel isn't as flashy and doesn't get as much "pub"... because he plays on a terrible team with an awful defense. But when you say he is a "stiff"... It shows how little you know about this game. The guy is quietly putting together a solid season (7 Sacks) after being injured for all but the first 5 games of last season.



    OMG, are u people in Buffalo blind or simply clueless :thumbsup: :thumbsup: ;)


    What? Schobel is simply the most overpaid, overrated defensive end in football. Heck he makes Phil Hansen look like the second coming of Reggie White in comparison.


    Please dont even get me started on Overrated Erin

  4. Men, these guys are doing everything to diminish this win.


    Schoop is just a first class jerk and totally obnoxious, I cant listen anymore, this is seriously pathetic. And bulldog reminds me of the classic Bar -Friend Lackey who is good for laughs and agrees with everything u say

  5. I really like Schopp and the Bulldog during the week. I really can't stand their postgame bitching about a win. This is ridiculous. Why run in for that last touchdown? To show the league that you're back. To give the fans, who had enough faith to go to the game, something to cheer about. They're worried about a Ted Ginn runback? A seventeen point runback? Give me a break.



    Dude these guys have made me tune in only when they have guests like Jerry or Paul hamilton

  6. Big difference between knowing the X-O as a defensive coordinator and as a HC. Ask DJ!



    Wow it is clear that you know nothing about football and clearly have never played the game.


    Are u making any sense here?


    What do you mean by X and O's as a head coach?


    U guys are unbelievable.


    Sorry I promise not to bother anymore

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