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Posts posted by sleaky72

  1. OMG!!!!!


    ONLY in town like Buffalo where the likes of Pornadino are celebrated as reformers and heros can a total scrub and waste of space like Christie Kelsay be rewarded with this kind of contract.


    I mean this is unreal.


    If U released this turkey today he wouldnt even be resigned for the veterans minimum next season.


    This turkey is a bonafide scrub. I mean the Bills just screwed up their salary structure going forward!!!!


    We let London Fletcher, Antoine Winfield and Pat Williams walk over money yet we paid this obscene amount for a scrub?


    In honor of our song: "The Bills make we wanna SHOUT!"

  2. Keep the coach get rid of these crappy DL, I mean damn if fitzpatrick have as much time as Brady does he will kill there D! We can only pray this DL is history after this season. This guy D. Edwards should have stay in Baltimore he showing me absolutely nothing yet..



    But his scheme doesnt make any sense especially since we are not playing for a playoff spot. We have nothing to lose so take a chance and go after Brady, u never know what might happen, rather than let him sit back there and have lunch and then decide to pick apart our secondary.


    I mean that last drive was reminiscent of the crappy prevent we played in the last series against Dallas under jauron on Monday night. hell the best time to blitz is on long third downs or deep in the opponents area in order to force checkdowns and drop offs

  3. I don't think the coach let the receiver get open. It was our secondary.



    Er dude when u call a Sissy soft zone defense with no friggin pash rush of course receivers will get open. On first down u show blitz and force Brady to drop it down and make a tackle. I mean whatso hard in doing that

  4. Admitting to making comments should make his candidacy even stronger. He's not trying to hide it like a nerd-looking democrap. Could he possibly have said anything on par with what the black panthaas blabb? I doubt it. If government would discontinue the oversympathetic (pathetic) care-taking of lazy people, perhaps they'd find some motivation in desperation and accomplish something on their own instead of expecting honest hard-working, family-supporting Americans to cover it? I owe lazy people nothing. Neither does Paladino. I'm poor. I don't ask or expect anything. This racism card is so overplayed... I tire. 52 pick-up is the only game left to play with that deck.


    Good for Thurman.



    Hey Einstein how many Black Panthers are running for the highest office in the great state of New York?


    Americans are being ridiculed by who? Europe? They are the last people on earth that should be ridiculing anyone.


    If we are being ridiculed then it is because we have continued to elect the same Washington deadbeats for decades who have done nothing but drain our country into a state where we cannot even afford our own government anymore. That changes this November!



    I take it you havent been to Europe, right?


    Change in November? To whom or to what?


    Tea Partiers?



  5. Anyone who voted for Pornadino the pig is just as clueless and pathetic as that Sorry P.O.S!!!


    Here we have an egomaniac who contributed to democratic leaders, made a ton of money off of the public's money, embarassed his wife by having a child with a staffer, and now wants to clean Albany!!


    The party of Lincoln has become an absolute joke.


    First it was Palin, then it was the Tea party kooks, and now every lunatic-fringe scumbag out of the woodwork has the effrontery to run for office.


    I give up, I might actually become a democrat and give that a try.


    The GOP has lost me

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