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Posts posted by sleaky72

  1. So bigotry only matters if you're white?



    Er in the age of the internet there is no excuse for being ignorant!


    There is a big difference between Prejudice and racism?


    If u need that much help I will aid your education.


    Everyone harbors prejudice!!!! It could manifest itself against women, tall people, poor people and the list goes on.....


    Racism on the other hand is a form of prejudice based on the feeling of one's race being superior to the other!!


    And last time I checked in America, latinos and blacks were not depriving White people of their rights or access to success because they felt that White people were inferior!!!


    If anything they might be prejudiced towards WHite people because of wrongs both real or perceived!


    Is that statement in bold the equivalent of the old high school saying, "he who smelt it, dealt it."?

    Also, people who start a conversation by saying, "I never think about race" are suspect closet racists in my book. Just saying.



    Two thumbs Up!!!!


    Talk about bar stool philosophy!!!

  2. Racism works both ways.... I am white and I know plenty of black or Hispanic people who hate white people...




    TO realty said that? That's like saying he is pretty smart for a black guy......



    I am not in a position to comment for ethnic minorities but this ranks as sheer ignorance.


    Equating a minority having issues with White people to Reverse discrimination is like asking the Zebra why he doesnt like the Lion!


    Give me a friggin break

  3. Jeez, I am looking at my skin color and my geneology to see whether there is any resemblance or traits that align me with Kanye West lol.


    Some of you are ridiculous.


    If Mike Vick was wearing Bills colors you clowns would be howling like banshees.


    When a commentator is gleefully rejoicing on a QB taking hits and encouraging the other team to blitz him, and then bursting with happiness and noting that the QB is getting up slowly then I dont know what to tell you?


    Oh and yeah, he kept mockingly referring that this was the first real defense that Vick had faced.


    Ok whatever.


    Moving along

  4. This is unbelievable!


    The Philly fansite is ready to storm the broadcast booth and take this dude out.


    He is more or less cheering for the Giants to take out Vick and with hits before and after he passes the ball.


    This is so unprofessional and it makes me hope the guy does even better.


    Who knows he might come back like Ray Lewis and go all the way

  5. You're name calling and personal attacks make for very compelling arguments. And by saying my arguments are wrong, you have clearly established that they are in fact wrong. I have to remember trying those tactics next time in court.


    "Judge, Of course he is guilty because everything he says doesn't make sense!! And of course he is lying because he is a liar!!! And look at him... he looks guilty!! And he's clueless and stupid!! And Ugly!! :worthy:



    Personal Attacks?


    Are you blind or simply too stupid to read or understand the nonsense you write.


    You started the personal attacks and like a classless twerp you are trying to play the victim.


    I blame myself for wasting time with you


    Nostradamus owns the Bills? Oh I get it, a prediction. Or maybe it's a lie which makes him morally bankrupt, and therefore Hitler? After all he refers to the Bills as my team. I'll bet he wouldn't have signed Bruce back in the day after his little run in with the law. Right? Get over yourself. Vick did the time...let it go.



    Thank You, it is amazing that the simple concept of crime, punishment, rehabilitation and forgiveness. elude that small minded clown

  6. Let me try and explain this to you, though I feel is may be the equivalent of teaching calculus to a monkey. A principle is defined as a basic law, truth, or assumption. Principle's are universally applicable.

    Therefore, stealing 1,000,000 dollars from a bank or stealing a Bills ticket from your roomate would fall under the same basic principle; that taking something that is not yours without paying for it is wrong.

    So, my point in invoking Hitler's name was NOT that the two are comparable in terms of their misdeeds or that they are similar in stature or importance. Rather, the principle-the same word I used in the post that you are not mentally capable of understanding- is that I value what is fundamentally right over my allegiance to a football team. So, I would not want my football team to sign a horrible person who has committed crimes... even if it would improve the performance level of the the Bills. Meaning, whether it is Michael Vick, Leonard Little, Ben Roethliserger, Jeffrey Dahmer, or ANYONE whom I felt was of extremely low moral turpitude, I would not want them on my football team. And yes, that would include Hitler.





    You are a perfect example of a dog. except in your case you are too dumb not to bark at your master!!!!


    Only a mucus eating twerp like you, with a brain small enough to fit through the eye of a needle would actually try and employ kindergarten logic to justify a theory that only a mad person would possess.


    I mean are you really this stupid?


    You can take your clueless principles and drown in your miserable existence!


    Again only an idiot or chimp brained loser would equate the biggest mass murderer in history with Mike Vick!!


    In other words, let your mountain meet the mole-hill loser!!!

  7. It has nothing to do with anyone's "love affair" with Vick. He did some awful stuff (and it was to animals and not humans. If if did that stuff to humans he's still be in jail and we wouldn't be having this conversation. But he was tried, convicted and sent to prison. It was a real jail -- not one of these day spas that are reserved for white-collar criminals. He seems to be changed by the experience, so I say he deserves a second chance. From my perch, you sound like someone from the Spanish Inquisition or the Salem witch trials. It's not for us to decide who should burn in hell. That is in the hands of a higher authority.





    Wrong. The point is, I am a human being first and a Bills fan second. Of course I want the Bills to improve at the QB position, but not by any means possible. Having a deplorable monster quarterbacking the Bills, even if he could do so effectively, is not something I desire. At some point, you have to realize what you are cheering for, and I could never cheer for Vick, even if he led us to a Superbowl. If Hitler was a great quarterback, would you want him on the Bills?

    I'm not comparing Hitler to Vick, but the principal is the same.

    You're use of the word dumb certainly makes you sound like a highly intelligent person. :thumbdown:



    Are you some kind of nutjob or a clueless tea-bagger?


    Why would you even mention the worst mass murderer in history in the same sentence as Mike Vick?


    Get a life and seek help from that pathetic, unforgiving spirit you possess.


    Or better still, put in your two weeks at Burger King and go work for the SPCA!




  8. Absolutely.


    In the NFC, I don't think anyone is even close; certainly not after tonight. 35-0 after 15+ minutes on the road?? Wow.


    In the AFC the only candidates I can think of are the usual suspects: Brady and Manning.



    Vick's turnaround is one of most stunning things I've ever seen in football. He is not just back, he is MUCH better than he ever was in Atlanta.



    It is almost surreal. I wonder if he even believes how good he has been lol.

  9. I cant think of who is having a better year or more valuable to their or even more exciting to watch.


    I am seeing the redemption of a young, previously messed up man before my eyes. I seriously never thought he had it in him.


    I know many will never get passed the pooch thing, but this guy is unbelievable and if it continues I dont see how barring prejudice and doggie backlash that this guy should not be the NFls MVP.


    If the Eagles dont sign him quickly to an extension and let him hit the market then they are absolutely clueless.


    Hey Tiger if Vick can do it then whats your problem

  10. Funny thing was that two years ago I used to call this scrub Christie Kelsay and you wouldnt believe the amount of supporters that overpaid woman had on this site.


    It is quite funny that suddenly his whole crew of lackeys have suddenly disappeared ROFLMAO


    Quite frankly his signing equates to almost criminal incompetence.


    This has got to be the biggest joke in the league this season. I mean you have got to be friggin kidding me.


    It is funny how the local clowns on both TV and radio seem to just gloss over this travesty.


    I am waiting for one reporter to question Nix or Ralph on if they have Buyers remorse for this nonsense, or directly ask Christie if his play has justified his salary.

  11. Funny moment was when the guy on the Bills network was verbally genuflecting and slob kabobing on Kelsay for a great play and then Murph threw in, "that was Troup on that play." :lol:


    Even though it is funny it is quite depressing that these butt kissers would actually try and prop up Christie Kelsay.




    What a disgraceful organization

  12. YEah...well when you're 3 feet in the air being carried along by 4 guys grabbing at the ball, one of whom is one of the strongest players in the NFL, it's awkward. Not defending him completely but that was not a textbook bad fumble (like Spiller's).



    Dude I so want to agree with you but come on now. Being three feet in the air has nothing to do with ball security. Everyone in the NFL is strong, trust me on that. It was improper technique and a lack of concentration that led to that fumble.


    In traffic, they always teach you to wrap that pigskin with both hands and pin it to your body for a few seconds until the whistle goes. If he had done that, who knows, we might have gone on for our first W!


    But Hangartner is a total moron. Totally unacceptable behavior

  13. That play was ridiculous. They picked him up in the air, carried him backwards, then the lineman came in and pushed him forwards when the fumble occurred. How can that not have been forward progress? And not reviewed?



    Sorry dude tbe fumbler is to blame. Even Pop Warner kids are taught to play till the whistle. If he wasnt stripped he would have gained more yards with the push from behind, so as much as it hurts we cannot have it both ways.


    The fumbler and that clown Hangartner blew the game.



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