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Posts posted by OrangeJuiceSimpson

  1. This is my first chance to watch the kid play. He has a great arm and looks to have a knck for just making plays. He just marched the Jets right down the field against the Titans and capped it off with a 14 yard TD run where he bowled over Michael Griffin to get in the endzone. Wow.



    Just about to post this. Yeah I've seen all three games thus far. And though it's early it's not just Sanchez that is for real. It seems like the Jets are the real deal...up 14-0.

  2. Bell has to get his first start, so blaming the staff for throwing him out there is stupid...everyone has a first game.


    Bells penalties were dumb, but he had some real moments that did look like this kid will be good. It was a his first game and he made young mistakes, so be it. But overall, the line showed a lot of promise and Bell showed a lot of potential. I will say it again, this line will be a lot better than last years by mid season.



    Listen, this guy hasn't played football very long. He should be better coached to not have four penalties in his first game! Bell did show glimpses of a good LT. But that doesn't mean he is ready to assume the starting role against a very good D line.

  3. If Russ had any Nutz, he'd pull the trigger and make it happen.



    Here is why it is a bad idea. Anderson probably is better than Edwards. But once Anderson comes here the front office is guaranteed to stick with him for three years to let him "develope" thus leaving us without a real QB again.

  4. I thought the same thing.


    No slants, no crosses, no deep passes. Every play to a receiver, back, or TE seemed to be a curl or hitch.


    I have a feeling that some receivers were running other routes, but Trent was missing them.


    The worst part about those routes are they don't allow a reciever to make a play after the catch.


    Which is good because we don't have some of the fastest WR's in the league.

  5. There is alot of talk about the horrible offense, but what about the pass rush? This is a major problem. If this defense could rush the QB it would be dangerous. But it can't. So we will see lots of third down failure again.


    This isn't a surprise at all. This is the exact same defense and exact same coordinator we had last season. One first round DE that missed almost all of camp and preseason is not going to save the defense this season.

  6. Well said. would only add that I believe ralph has done a cost benefit analysis on attempting to produce a team competitive enough to have a run at a championship and decided long ago that the costs are too high. Unfortunately, the equation still hasn't shifted in our favor as he approaches his inevitable demise.


    :lol: This is the same reason we don't have a GM. A real GM would try to spend Ralph's money to make the team better. That is not a power Ralph is about to give up.

  7. A lot of us clueless fans thought Greer looked great (and Freddie Jackson too), but they were keeping vets ahead of him until the injury John from Hemet pointed out.


    It seems our staff is afraid of talent if they're young and undrafted.



    Ha I remember wanting to rip my hair out when A-train got that start on Monday night against the Cowboys.


    And the Greer thing was rediculous. Fans at Saint John Fisher new Greer was special from the start but somehow the whole Bills coaching staff missed it. I'm sure it will be no different with Harris.

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