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Picnic Table F'er

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Posts posted by Picnic Table F'er

  1. Look Pal, It's pretty obvious you're just a conservative pretending to be a Friggin Liberal, with a picnic table fetish, and while there's nothing wrong with that, you gotta admit it's just a little strange.


    But I'm a "Big Tent" Conservative, so ultimately we're on the same side, except when we aren't.


    Welcome to the Show!


    Just the fact that you use terms like "Big Tent Conservative" and "Liberal" as serious descriptors means that you and I have nothing in common. Those are marketing terms meant to disguise the complexities of the true political spectrum. Morons like you are shoveled a pile of steaming **** by your corporate news and you gladly eat it up and come running back for more. They hand you this **** and tell you it's healthy. Thank you, may I please have another.

  2. Okay so now we have an explination for you following me around and spouting your usual Friggin Liberal Nonsense.


    Well, to be fair, it's only nonsense to you and a few others who are unable to understand complex policies. I realize you are a tea-partier because you are able to understand the term "big government", but terms like "stratification" and "consensual repression" fly over your head like a JP Losman pass. The majority of Americans are subject to emotionally potent oversimplifications which make them angry at things they do not understand. You, without doubt, are among this group. I do not think you would ever be able to change or understand the problem enough to stop being angry at the wrong person. However, it makes me feel better to rant at the morons shoot themselves in the foot every day by eagerly supporting the exact people who oppress them.


    Reality is, you do not understand what is going on in the world. Society and earth would best be served if you just stopped talking and accepted your role as a follower and not a leader. Again, I know you won't change, you are not smart enough to change. This is why your overlords love you, they can exploit your stupidity for their own gain.

  3. You spelled the Presidents name wrong.


    Anyways, it's kind of really sad that 1/3 of this country is dumb enough to think Obama is a socialist. The actual socialists in this country are really done a disservice by this.

  4. BTW, the "dumbest president in our history" would crush Obama if an election were held today.

    Nah, I don't think ol' Ronny could pull it off. Reagan is far to liberal these days.



    ...the same guy who said that the Cambridge police acted stupidly?

    I love the hypocrisy in this one. A++ entertainment. You can question the stupidity of the President of the United States of America and question his authority, that acceptable and not unpatriotic in any way. But you CANNOT question the Cambridge Police, this an an unpatriotic thing to do and endangers the security of Cambridge. All in one post, nicely done.

  5. Youngster,

    The dirtbag got away with murder. It may seem like ancient history to you, but it's not. She ran out of air in a car that was submerged in shallow water (the rear end was sticking out of the water). Teddy the dirtbag got out and walked home (past the volunteer fire station that had a direct phone line to the police outside the station). He then didn't tell anyone ( except maybe his lawyer) until the next morning.

    This happened at the same time Neil Armstrong was walking on the moon.


    Hell is too good for him.


    This is an example of a person who has learned a lot from what Jesus taught about forgiveness.

  6. The US is more divided than ever. Left vs Right.


    Tell that to Pat Buchannon, Colin Powell, Peggy Noonan and the countless other "right-wingers" who have a lot of high praise for Obama. I think you live in a strange alternate universe if you think we are divided.

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