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Picnic Table F'er

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Posts posted by Picnic Table F'er

  1. Stevie Johnson - 7th Round Pick


    Donald Jones - UDFA


    David Nelson - UDFA


    Fred Jackson - UDFA (from the Sioux City Bandits)


    Scott Chandler (TE) - Cut by Chargers, Giants, and Cowboys


    Demetrius Bell - 7th Rounder


    Erik Pears - UDFA - Cut by Jags, Raiders


    Kraig Urbik - Cut by Steelers


    Chad Rinehart - Cut by Jets, Redskins


    Kyle Williams - 5th Round Pick


    Nick Barnett - Cut by Packers


    Andra Davis - Cut by Broncos


    Shawne Merriman - Cut by Chargers


    Drayton Florence - Cut by Jags


    Bryan Scott - Cut by Titans


    George Wilson - UDFA (signed as WR)

  2. Gailey said specifically about that play, that teams worry about him in the game, and take account for him, and often he takes two guys out of the play and people don't notice it.


    That's why he put him in there and ran that play, hoping that he would draw extra looks. Otherwise he puts Fred Jackson in on that play. Yes, they blew the coverage by two guys going toward him but that likely would not have happened had it not been Spiller. Nelson also said they were worried about his speed on the outside, which drew them after him.


    They should fire Baldinger and hire you to do the analysis. But obviously you are unqualified, seeing as you actually know what you are talking about.

  3. I like how watching all the player interviews that none of them care about the 15 game streak. They all shrug it off as "none of those players are on this team".


    ... but I've never seen Kelsay comment (and I don't want to). He's the guy that I blame because the Pattys started winning right after he arrived.

  4. Blitzing Brady a lot is probably the worst thing you could do. He lives to hit his receivers on quick slants and dump offs.


    This is the truth. Anyone who says Blitzing Brady is a good idea needs to get their head checked. (or at least start actually watching the games)

  5. I don't think 10-6 is enough this year. We'll need 11-5 to make the playoffs. Steelers and Ravens both have a very easy second half of the season. Between them playing Seattle/Rams/Colts/Chiefs and of course the Browns/Bengals twice.

  6. I've always liked King and don't understand why so many have it in for him. Can you blame him or any other national reporter for being down on the Bills the last 15 years? They can't say anything nice about a team when its obvious there isn't anything nice to say.


    He's a bit of a Pats* homer, but guess what, he lives there. You can't be impartial all the time.


    A lot of people don't like his MMQB column because he talks about things other than football, well he tells you what's coming up, you don't want to read about his travel, don't. His coffee? don't, his non-football related items? It says right there "my non-football thoughts of the week", don't read it, guess what, you just finished the column early.


    He's one columnist that really tells it like it is.


    ... nice try Peter King.

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