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Jamie Nails

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Posts posted by Jamie Nails

  1. I never in a million years thought I would own a Terrell Owens jersey, let alone a bills T.O jersey. I know its a one year contract and I probably won't wear it after this season, but hell I just purchased a throwback.


    Anyhow, the bills marketing department is pushing the hell out of these things via email, text and on the front page of bb.com. So my question is who has puchased, is planning to purchase or is tossing around the idea of buying a T.O jersey.


    PS: Tape over the back of your James Hardy, Peerless Price, Rodney Trafford :thumbdown: or Bobby Shaw jersey doesn't count.

  2. Four days into free agency the FO has shown me a lot. I know it was slow at times but they are coming to life and I think the FO is trying really hard to get the pieces in place to get this team over the hump. Hopefully we'll get couple more key signings/trades over the next couple of weeks and a solid draft. But for those ripping on the FO...let things play out, we are making more moves and are calling more FA's than almost every team out there.



  3. Bryant Johnson anyone? He was solid this year, but didn't really have the banner year he was looking for in SF. Now that he's a free agent again, he will likely be had for the same rate he got this year. He's more of a proven, steady commodity than most on this list. Do the bills take another look at him to solidify depth? Or do you think we pissed him enough enough last offseason to spurn us?



  4. McKelvin's drop was definitely a tough catch, and I love his attitude too. What really won me over was him taunting the Jets fans before kickoff returns (you probably missed it because of the ads). The guy loves to play, and he seems like the sort of guy who has no memory -- perfect for a CB. He's really talented.


    I was at the game yesterday and he was doing the same thing to the Denver fans in the endzone. Giving them the X factor and pumping him and his teammates up before the kickoff. We need more emotional leaders like this. A little swagger isn't a bad thing as long as he doesn't turn into Vernon Davis.

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