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Da Big Man

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Everything posted by Da Big Man

  1. This is in response to you saying that Lib/Dems welcome all to it's big tent, even sheltering and protecting our enemies, ABSOLUTLY!!! :wallbash:Be part of the solution, not the problem!!!!
  2. Why didn't they call on Hardy earlier. We never tried anything deep until Evans late. 6'6" toss it up and let hrdy get it. Sweet catch in the corner of the endzone..Yes Youbouty is a monster. Light weight that hits like a heavy weight..
  3. i'll eat some crow. The entire team looks good. I think a comeback victory says alot about a teams heart 2-0 never felt so good!!! GO BILLS
  4. what kinda bait do you use when trolling?
  5. Hey narrow minded idiot one Osamas top guys was in Iraq from day 1. Wence it came was refering to the middle east look on a globe smart guy this includes Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afganistan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Israel I am sure a genius like you came point out the ones I missed. I am sorry that you view holding a country to its terms of surrender and to its United Nations orders to not possess certain weapons pathetic. You do know that Wild Bill luanch a missle attack into Iraq in 1998. Again, no attacks on American soil or interests in 8 years... NObama
  6. Children, see what they resort to when they are out of ideas!
  7. Wrong, we are not taking care of business here or in the middle east because of our concerns of what rights of some terrorist may be violated. ex. a jihad warrior fakes like he is dead to lure US troops closer so he can detenate a bomb or fire enough shots to kill a half dozen or so and the marine that recognizes this and kills him is the criminal. Or the Lib/Dems that wanted to be used as human shields and acted suprised when Iraqs military put them in front of military targets. You people are so out of whack its sad. I weep for your narrow minded thought. Try being altruistic.
  8. They never, ever had a chance. This has happened for the last 3 elections, not talking policy but attacking others, not attractive!
  9. You know no one is going to bite on you trying to cause a racial issue, no matter how stupid you try to sound.
  10. It figures you were a Govt employee. Where does it mention Iraq in my post? Iraq was and still does harbour elements of that same terrorist org.
  11. Big Government - Can we agree to have competent government? I agree that having "big brother" government is evil as I said earlier. Let's have just enough government, but we must balance our DEARLY HELD personal freedoms with having an entity that will promote fairness (NOT SOCIALISM) and be effective (see mortgage deregulation, lack of oversight). Whatever we got now ain't workin'. Fine! But Obiden is not the answer. Don't feel bad about being an American, be proud. Lib/Dems want every demographic to feel guilty over their race, color, creed, affluence , sexual preference. The most disadvantaged demographic of all these days is the white, heterosexual, viable male. I guess they have had it to good for to long.
  12. No he is using the common sense defense, something you obviously lack. We live in the land of black and white, cut and dry, wrong and right, there is no grey area. In a month an a half the country will prove this true. God bless America!!!
  13. I was there also and this happened under Wild Bills watch in between BJ's . We didn't do business with China till Wild Bill said so. Selling this country down the drain is what he did. Lincoln bedroom stays starting at $100,000 per night. Remember that China grounded one of our recon planes shortly after GWB took office , do you know why? Billy said it would be OK. Under his administration the world viewed us as passive, see Bosnia, see Somalia, see 1998 when Yemen had Osama Bin Laden in custody and offered him to us and Billy was to busy !@#$in off to say Hell Yes. Uss cole, Bombing after bombing on US interest and Wild Bill did nothing. Weakened our country is all he did. As for the "surplus" of money, I hope there was money left with all the taxes I paid those 8 years of girls gone wild. P.S. I don't go to your links to read propoganda I witnessed history with my own two eyes.
  14. Amen. maybe if some of these soapboxers lost a loved one they would understand alittle more clearly. Pax et Bonum
  15. Read Yellow's post and then tell me this member isn't blinded by selfish subjectivity. We have the right, no,no the duty to protect this once great nation no matter what the cost. Thank God the Lib/dems weren't around during Hitler. Then the entire eastern hemishere would be speaking German singing Deutchland, Deutchland.
  16. China! Who put China on the WTO's most favored nation list, Wild Bill. I dont know about you I don't need Big Govt, I knoiw alot of disable people who actually thought that GWB was going to lower their benefits. Much to their dissapointment ,being Dem/Libs, their benefits actually went up. Only one party uses scare tactics like, take away school lunch, social security , lessen medicare and medicaid and lower benefits at the V.A. and that my friend is the trademark of the Blue Jackass. Republicans do what they say unless the democratic run house and senate hold it up. You can't hold an Office on false promise i.e. Billary, do nothing in New York and act suprised she didn't get the knod for Prez. Gee do you think sex is going on in your place of work? Answer: YES
  17. Broken record Yellowman. We need to remember 9/11 and why we are in the middle east bring the war from wence it came. Not trying to assign blame for losing here or winning there. The world stood still that day and over 3000 americans died, jackass!!! I'll pay higher taxes to know that we are present everywhere terrorists are and kicking ass, with the lib/dems approval of course. Funny, since we have gone on the offensive there have been no attacks on american soil. Good job Mr. President. Defend our future, defend our children, not your pride, jerk .
  18. Hey yellow! Nice avatar. Is it McCains top half with your bottom half? Or are you dream of our next Prez in his jockeys?
  19. You almost had me until this post right hear, attack, attack ,attack shameful!
  20. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!! Am I missing something? Is this some Lib joke. Or is it just more under handed comments from an angry little blue person?
  21. All of this is just lib drivel . If you think for one second that Obiden will lower taxes for anyone, you are higher than yellowman. Thats what Dems do. They raise taxes to feed the monster that is the govt. Telling you what programs we need. Also lessening defense spending weakening this country more than they did during Wild Bill Clintons 8 year spring break.
  22. The middle of the road is for people who are to afraid to commit one way or the other. That way when the Dems !@#$ everything up (see history) the "yellowliners" can say "boy, I wasn't on board with that". I, on the other hand, am proud to be a highly conservative Republican who agrees with alot that our current Prez and future Prez ideas. But then again I work for a living. McCain/Palin 08'
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