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The Debate is Over - O-V-E-R


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Actually I have met Drew and spent some time talking with him. Granted it was a few years ago but I don't think he's changed that much as a person. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve to be criticized for his current lack of abilities. I'm saying the personal shots at him are unnecessary and unwarrented. Anybody here put into his situation would handle themselves the same way. How do you know he doesn't do the physical, social and mental work required to be successful? How do you know he doesn't want it enough? According to everybody on this board he doesn't have the SKILLS. No amount of preparation can make up for a lack of skills. I don't buy it for a minute.



He was the first pick in the 1993 draft. He’s been paid more money than any other player in football since he came into the league. Both of these facts point toward a player that either has excellent raw SKILLS.


Yet he has a career losing record despite playing six years under probable Hall-of-Fame head coaches and another four years (97, 98, 03, 04) on teams with very highly ranked defenses. His career passer rating is astoundingly mediocre (76.5). He doesn’t seem to have the faith of his teammates – witness Reuben Brown’s hissy fit from last year, or the Patriots’ very quick assimilation to Tom Brady in 2002. He doesn’t stay with his organization in the offseason to work on his game but retreats to Montana. His mechanics come and go frequently. He can’t make plays to his left. He doesn’t sell play-action convincingly.


I'm not taking personal shots at him. I'm saying what I think of his performance as an NFL player. Is Coy Wire a good person? How about Ryan Lindell? They get trashed regularly on the board. How come they don't get this "good person" defense? It's always Drew and Stevetojans grandmother that get high marks as people. It's simply not relevant. Grady Little was a good guy, but he was a horrible baseball manager. If the Red Sox used the decency criteria, they might have never won a championship. Sentamentality is a killer in pro sports - too tough a business for that. Fans want results.


Maybe it's the "Parenting with Dignity" books that set Drew apart in this regard for posters. I admit - I think it's a nice notion that he wishes to be a good parent and appreciates his solid upbringing. On the other hand, his kids aren't that old yet so I question whether he really could be classified as an expert from whom I should take advice. The true test for Drew as a parent might be when his kids get in that 15-18 age range where they'll figure out that due to Dad's career they can snort coke off the back of a stripper and only put a slight dent in their allowance.

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Maybe it's the "Parenting with Dignity" books that set Drew apart in this regard for posters. I admit - I think it's a nice notion that he wishes to be a good parent and appreciates his solid upbringing. On the other hand, his kids aren't that old yet so I question whether he really could be classified as an expert from whom I should take advice. The true test for Drew as a parent might be when his kids get in that 15-18 age range where they'll figure out that due to Dad's career they can snort coke off the back of a stripper and only put a slight dent in their allowance.


Drew didn't write the book, his father did.


If you want to criticize Bledsoe, stick to what he's doing on the field, there's more than enough fodder there.


"Snort coke of the back of a stripper." It's a good thing we're avoiding personal attacks here. :P

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Drew didn't write the book, his father did. 


If you want to criticize Bledsoe, stick to what he's doing on the field, there's more than enough fodder there.


"Snort coke of the back of a stripper."  It's a good thing we're avoiding personal attacks here.  :D



Jad - you're right. I'm just trying to be over the top with that one. Not trying to be offensive.

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picking up drew was a great move at the time.  I'll defend that till i die.  Nobody could have foreseen how far he's fallen since the adrenaline of being traded wore off around october of 2002.




Except me and a few others. I wanted us to sign Jeff Blake instead of trading for Drew. Evidently every GM in the league concurred with me, except for TD. There was zero, nada, no interest whatsoever in Drew because he sucked so bad his last few years in New England. I live in New England and have seen Drew play his whole career. He never was any good. I mean did Drew Bledsoe ever scare you when he played the Bills? :D:devil:

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Ol' Whitey shoulda never restructured,  but if he didn't there'd have been a 7 million dollar cost to cut him.


If they had released him prior to the season beginning then the team would have saved $8M outright.

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