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Few Comments About The Game, and the

Bill from NYC

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I only wish this were the reason Drew played so poorly last night Nick but it's not true. They protected Drew extremely well considering the circumstances and the D they were facing last night and he still played his absolute worst game ever!


Now if you want to talk about the O-line playing poorly last night, lets talk about their run blocking efforts....


Sort of. There were numerous cases where the pocket was collapsing FAST and Drew was forced to throw off the back foot, thus hurrying the decision making process.


ESPN ran those pocket timers pretty often. Brady consistently had 3.8, 3.9 seconds (and more if he held on to the ball) of pocket time - compare this to Drew how was being given 3.0, 3.1 seconds in the pocket. Against the D we played the WR routes too a long time to develop - meaning we needed a long time to get the balls away. I do agree that the PB was better than the RB - and that Drew could have made better decisions, but on about 50% of the pass plays Drew had someone in his face, or very close to it.

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