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Edwards is jaurons mini me


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Of course, he can't go around saying, "We're absolutely going to beat the snot out of the Dolphins this week," but ...


Hopefully. Argh. I got (politely) reamed by a coach last year for asking a question including that word; he replied, "We don't 'hope' to win, we EXPECT to win X number of games." They surpassed that number ... and I've learned to choose my words more carefully when talking to him.


On a related note, I'm tired of hearing that we have to take advantage of what they, the defense, give us. How about the offense dictating to the defense, maybe take "the offensive".


Years ago I would end my rants with just run the damned ball. I'm changing it now to throw the damned ball down field for Evans and Owens and let them go get it. Especially against Miami which is suspect in the secondary but pretty stout up front.


The most frustrating thing to me is seeing Edwards roll out, and then check down to a guy who is a couple of yards in front of him and that guy gets tackled for a loss. If it's not there, throw it away and move on.

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