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Love for Trent, Fred from Peter King

Reddy Freddy

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Several Bills tidbits from King's MMQB:


I count six passers 25 or younger -- Ryan, Flacco, Sanchez, Stafford, Trent Edwards of Buffalo and Green Bay's Aaron Rodgers -- as players with exceedingly bright futures.


But I'll throw out this 10-man class of Sunday's young starters -- all those who started and are 26 or younger -- and rank them by how I think their careers will pan out:


6. Trent Edwards, Buffalo, age 25, 2: Masterful at NE in opener, and beat TB Sunday


15. Tennessee (0-2). Almost put Buffalo here, but Tennessee's just better, even though the Titans looked so sloppy on defense against the Texans.


f. If I lived in western New York, I'd be really excited about Trent Edwards. The presence, the poise, the accuracy and the playmaking in the first two games is one of the good stories of the early season.


9. I think Marshawn Lynch must be getting very nervous about his job. I would be. Fred Jackson's been one of the Bills' five most important players in the first two weeks of the season. After the Patriots couldn't tackle him last week, Jackson had the best rushing day of his life (28 carries, 163 yards). Every team needs two good backs, and Buffalo has two.
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