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To all of you bashing B April


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To Fake-Fat Sunny, Hardly Pyle, eSJatDee, Kzoo Mike and anyother worthless piece of crap that has never and will not ever be a veteran. Come on you girly men and sign on the dotted line. You have the utmost respect for the men in the service. You suck. Lace em up and put your life on the line. But NO you want all of the rights but are not willing to stand up for them yourself. If someone comes into your house what do you do? Hide behind mommies skirt and cry. Or if someone invades our land you people will probably learning the new lanague as fast as you can. If someone wants to use military words and phrases to make people work better at any job then go for it.


USS Missouri BB63 Mighty Mo "Fear GOD Dreadnaught" 85-89

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So everyone outside of the service sucks? The rest of the people who have nothing to do with the military in this country suck? I'm proud to be an American and I'm proud of our veterans. For fighting for our rights and serving in the call of duty when asked. For dying for a free country and keeping us non military civilians out af harms way. I thank you and everyone who serves for these things. But to say non veterans suck... wake up and smell the Sanka man.


This whole Bobby April thingy is getting a little out of hand imo. You guys need to relax.

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I don't get what I said to offend you. As a former member of the service if you think its fine to use military analogies then you certainly have earned that right. I on the other have not earned that right and think it is wrong for people who have not served to say things like that.


Again what am I missing here?

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I'm a veteran and I think alot of veterans suck. Plus I joined to help protect those who couldn't protect themselves.




Rank and Organization: Master Sergeant. Detachment B-56, 5th Special Forces Group, Republic of Vietnam


Place and Date: West of Loc Ninh on 2 May 1968


Entered Service at: Houston, Texas June 1955


Date and Place of Birth: 5 August 1935, DeWitt County, Cuero, Texas




Master Sergeant, then Staff Sergeant, United States Army. Who distinguished himself by a series of daring and extremely glorious actions on 2 May 1968 while assigned to Detachment B-56, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne). 1st Special Forces, Republic of Vietnam. On the morning of 2 May 1968, a 12-man Special Forces Reconnaissance Team was inserted by helicopters in a dense jungle area west of Loc Ninh, Vietnam to gather intelligence information about confirmed large-scale enemy activity. This area was controlled and routinely patrolled by the North Vietnamese Army.


After a short period of time on the ground, the team met heavy enemy resistance and requested emergency extraction. 3 helicopters attempted extraction, but were unable to land due to intense enemy small arms and anti-aircraft fire. Sergeant Benavidez was at the Forward Operating Base in Loc Ninh monitoring the operation by radio when these helicopters returned to off-load wounded crew members and to assess aircraft damage.


Sergeant Benavidez voluntarily boarded a returning aircraft to assist in another extraction attempt. Realizing that all the team members were either dead or wounded and unable to move to the pickup zone, he directed the aircraft to a nearby clearing where he jumped from the hovering helicopter, and ran approximately 75 meters under withering small arms fire to the crippled team. Prior to reaching the team's position he was wounded in his right leg, face and head.


Despite these painful injuries he took charge, repositioning the team members and directing their fire to facilitate the landing of an extraction aircraft, and the loading of wounded and dead team members. He then threw smoke canisters to direct the aircraft to the team's position. Despite his severe wounds and under intense enemy fire, he carried and dragged half of the wounded team members to the awaiting aircraft. He then provided protective fire by running alongside the aircraft as it moved to pick up the remaining team members.


As the enemy's fire intensified, he hurried to recover the body and classified documents on the dead team leader. When he reached the leader's body, Sergeant Benavidez was severely wounded by small arms fire in the abdomen and grenade fragments in his back. At nearly the same moment, the aircraft pilot was mortally wounded, and his helicopter Rosened.


Although in extremely critical condition due to his multiple wounds, Sergeant Benavidez secured the classified documents and made his way back to the wreckage, where he aided the wounded out of the overturned aircraft, and gathered the stunned survivors into a defensive perimeter. Under increasing enemy automatic weapons and grenade fire, he moved around the perimeter distributing water and ammunition to his weary men, reinstilling in them a will to live and fight.


Facing a buildup of enemy opposition with a beleaguered team, Sergeant Benavidez mustered his strength, began calling in tactical air strikes and directed the fire from supporting gun ships to suppress the enemy's fire and so permit another extraction attempt. He was wounded again in his thigh by small arms fire while administering first aid to a wounded team member just before another extraction helicopter was able to land.


His indomitable spirit kept him going as he began to ferry his comrades to the craft. On his second trip with the wounded, he was clubbed with additional wounds to his head and arms before killing his adversary. He then continued under devastating fire to carry the wounded to the helicopter. Upon reaching the aircraft, he spotted and killed 2 enemy soldiers who were rushing the craft from an angle that prevented the aircraft door gunner from firing upon them.


With little strength remaining, he made one last trip to the perimeter to ensure that all classified material had been collected or destroyed, and to bring in the remaining wounded. Only then, in extremely serious condition from numerous wounds and loss of blood, did he allow himself to be pulled into the extraction aircraft.


Sergeant Benavidez' gallant choice to voluntarily join his comrades who were in critical straits, to expose himself constantly to withering enemy fire, and his refusal to be stopped despite numerous severe wounds, saved the lives of at least 8 men. His fearless personal leadership, tenacious devotion to duty, and extremely valorous actions in the face of overwhelming odds were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service, and reflect the utmost credit on him and the United States Army

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I'll just laugh


so many people with so many opinions.


I could care less what they call the special teams groups, and I can not understand why anyone would be upset that they did.


I guess Americans need something to be pissed about

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To Fake-Fat Sunny, Hardly Pyle, eSJatDee, Kzoo Mike and anyother worthless piece of crap that has never and will not ever be a veteran. Come on you girly men and sign on the dotted line. You have the utmost respect for the men in the service. You suck. Lace em up and put your life on the line. But NO you want all of the rights but are not willing to stand up for them yourself. If someone comes into your house what do you do? Hide behind mommies skirt and cry. Or if someone invades our land you people will probably learning the new lanague as fast as you can. If someone wants to use military words and phrases to make people work better at any job then go for it.


USS Missouri BB63 Mighty Mo "Fear GOD Dreadnaught" 85-89



Unless this was meant as a joke and I missed the obvious sarcasm, I suggest you stop posting so to prevent further embarrassment for yourself.


All Americans, military AND civilian, play a vital role. If everyone joined the military after high school or college, there wouldn't be enough people to perform many of the other tasks needed to keep this country running. And what about those who want to join the military but can't because of medical reasons? Oh man, this post is so illogical my mind is short-circuiting...

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