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McKelvin post game comments

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leodis is a slack jawed yokel. has anyone seen an interview with him? the guy can barely speak english. and his choice of university (troy)? he didnt go there because he was a rhodes scholar. he was too dumb to get into a legit division 1 school.


can anyone blame him for his bonehead decision to run the ball out? and his comments? exactly what you'd expect from an ignorant moron.


with that said, i'd like to ask, who is the bigger idiot? the exceptional athlete who makes stupid decisions on his own (and is totally unrepentant when his stupid decision loses an NFL football game), or the ivy league educated coach who allows a bumbling idiot like leodis make important decision on his own? sadly, i think its the latter.

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leodis is a slack jawed yokel. has anyone seen an interview with him? the guy can barely speak english. and his choice of university (troy)? he didnt go there because he was a rhodes scholar. he was too dumb to get into a legit division 1 school.


can anyone blame him for his bonehead decision to run the ball out? and his comments? exactly what you'd expect from an ignorant moron.


with that said, i'd like to ask, who is the bigger idiot? the exceptional athlete who makes stupid decisions on his own (and is totally unrepentant when his stupid decision loses an NFL football game), or the ivy league educated coach who allows a bumbling idiot like leodis make important decision on his own? sadly, i think its the latter.

Running the ball out was the right decision. Fighting for extra yards wasn't.

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I am a forgiving person and not one to hold a grudge. I think that someday Leodis will be an excellent player although he is maturing somewhat slowly IMO. Maybe something will "click." That sometimes does happen.


I did not see any video on his post game comments. There were none on the Bills website. I have only seen quotes from print media outlets.


One thing that it appears that he did not say was something along the lines of:


"Firstly I want to apologize to my teammates for fumbling the ball. I realize that if I hadn't fumbled, that we probably would have won the game."


I don't really need to see his excuses/explanation/rationales. I don't need to see anything that is even suggestive of defiance.


Just say you're sorry that you let your team down. This is another basic fundamental that Leodis apparently hasn't grasped yet.


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