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Please - be honest with what '09 will be...

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how about you doing that.......


I get tired of hearing the whining myself. If I got to the point I bitched about the bills losing so much I would A. Quit liking football or B. Find another team to root for (never happen).


I mean seriously, venting about footbal doesn't help, its not something we can control in our everyday life......people need to quit using the excuse as "VENTING" when it comes to buffalo not being a winning team.



seriously, shaddapheckup people

"Holy Savior" (if that handle is your real name I apologize for the sarcasm) - to you I solute you


I think we can ALL agree on one thing - whether your an optimist or pessimistic about the upcoming Bills season...The Bills are a community team. They were built as such and remain a team supported by the dollars and love of the working people of W NY and beyond. If you want to suggest people should try to have a more open, healthy and positive outlook on football/life that's one thing but how can you not expect to find frustration on the message boards of a Buffalo Bills website?!?


That's being unrealistic!


If this was high school sports I'd see your point. They're professionals - paid by the incoming dollars and shared revenue stream of the fanbase. Their no different than politicians paid by the working taxpayer. You - the fan - are ultimately also the client of the team and the league.


Are you suggesting that a PAYING CLIENT does not reserve the right to say that this product is not satisfactory and SUBPAR compared to others?!?


As far as suggesting we should "just find another team" that is not an option any one wants to consider!!! This has been and should always be WESTERN NY's TEAM.


So if you guys want to B word - B word away!!! If you don't want to hear/read it you should strongly revisit why you are currently participating in a board of BILLS FANS considering the underperformance and mismanagment of this team since Bill Polian left! :lol: (one possibly exception of the Shoeless Rob Johnson year - Homerun Throwback? (ouch))


We all love them - everyone here - it's rather obvious since we're posting in the middle of the freakin' work day instead of doing our jobs! LOL!


Go Bills!

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how about you doing that.......


I get tired of hearing the whining myself. If I got to the point I bitched about the bills losing so much I would A. Quit liking football or B. Find another team to root for (never happen).


I mean seriously, venting about footbal doesn't help, its not something we can control in our everyday life......people need to quit using the excuse as "VENTING" when it comes to buffalo not being a winning team.



seriously, shaddapheckup people

If you see everything as Rosey in Bills Land right now, you must have been pleasuring yourself during the early 90's when they were actually a good team. So by reading your post, you enjoy following a team that puts forth a half-assed effort, even though they have some of the most loyal fans in the NFL who spend their hard earned money on tickets, jerseys, hats, yearbooks, etc. If you don't wanna hear or read people excersing their god given right to complain, maybe you should find something else to do with your time.

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If you see everything as Rosey in Bills Land right now, you must have been pleasuring yourself during the early 90's when they were actually a good team. So by reading your post, you enjoy following a team that puts forth a half-assed effort, even though they have some of the most loyal fans in the NFL who spend their hard earned money on tickets, jerseys, hats, yearbooks, etc. If you don't wanna hear or read people excersing their god given right to complain, maybe you should find something else to do with your time.

When most NFL players are treated as hero's and get the rewards - they also have to accept the critiicism - that's life - winners and losers.

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I swear to god, I don't know what's worse, the Bills losing or people endlessly whining about it?


That's easy. The Bills losing is clearly worse. If they won, people wouldn't be whining about it.


Seriously, for the rose colored glass crowd like you, why do you even bother to open a thread like this? For most of its history, the Bills are a team that has struggled for mediocrity. The 90s were an aberration. They did little in the off season to improve. Any reasonable person would be skeptical about this team.

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