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Hey Bills beat reporters...


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Instead of rambling on about TO's stardom before not really even asking a question in the end, or blathering and stammering about this and that, ending in a question that cannot have a useful answer....You're embarrassing yourselves and wasting our and his time. How about asking relevant football questions, or perhaps asking DJ how much it bothers him that he has never beaten Belichick and how important he thinks it might be to get the team over the psychological hump of beating the best football mind in the game...there are at least a dozen timely and pointed questions they could pluck from this topic alone. But instead Jauron is asked AGAIN about TO's celebrity. As if they don't know DJ by now. Ridiculous...


How about not embarassing yourself with long run on sentences?


It is called the enter key, try it sometime jackass.

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Instead of rambling on about TO's stardom before not really even asking a question in the end, or blathering and stammering about this and that, ending in a question that cannot have a useful answer....You're embarrassing yourselves and wasting our and his time. How about asking relevant football questions, or perhaps asking DJ how much it bothers him that he has never beaten Belichick and how important he thinks it might be to get the team over the psychological hump of beating the best football mind in the game...there are at least a dozen timely and pointed questions they could pluck from this topic alone. But instead Jauron is asked AGAIN about TO's celebrity. As if they don't know DJ by now. Ridiculous...

yeah, fools! run 'em out a town. who's with me?



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yeah, fools! run 'em out a town. who's with me?



I'll bring the torches.


Oh, wait. I need that spot in the car for the cooler. Never mind. Also, Mr. Jameson and Don Julio send their best ...

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