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[closed]What I feel T.O. was really trying to say today wa


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What would Roger Goodell know about a black man that had everything taken from him and put in jail for years? How could he relate to that and then decide to punish him even more? Is it fair to punish someone above what the law had prescribed and then punish him more??


Goodell has about as much in common with Vick than God and the devil do. There should be a panel that is a mix of people black / white / Hispanic that can independently review each case and explain how certain cultures work and do the things they do.


Having one judge give you a sentence after a jury trial is the american way. Having one man determine your financial future in our capitalist society is nearly criminal in itself. Goodell needs a good jury and a recommendation, then pass sentence. One power with one man is wrong and I can never support it, check history for references of where it lead other societies.

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