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SB Bills Reunion in Indianapolis

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I just read Peter King's MMQB and was surprised to learn of the new-look Colts coaching staff. For those that weren't aware:


The new offensive line coach, former Bills tight end Pete Metzelaars, has been on staff for five years, working under Mudd as his apprentice. The successor-in-waiting for Mudd, Metzelaars coached the unit on the field during practice for three weeks in 2008 while Mudd was mostly in the office recovering from a knee replacement. The only relatively new kid on the block will be Frank Reich, who moves from offensive quality control coach to quarterback coach.


Interesting that Polian plucked these former Bills to man some critical positions in Indianapolis. Why didn't Ralph ever look them up previously...I gotta think they would have at least given serious consideration to returning to the scene of their NFL glory (and we probably could have used some QB/TE/Oline help 4-5 years ago).

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