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Looks like the Jags at #8 are stealing our trade-down thunder

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You're right, there's always a trade-down available. But reasonable ones are not always there. Lots of teams will throw something out at you, like "your #11 for our #18 plus a fifth-rounder." You get lots of guys trying to low-ball you, but serious offers to trade up are, historically, not all that common. When they happen, it's usually because there's a player at a high-value position (QB, RDE, and ahem LT) or somehow a very high-level guy has somehow fallen much further than he should have.


Neither of those situations are all that common, as both the crucial positions and the blue-chip guys tend to go early, for obvious reasons, so teams trading up have to give up more than fair value to trade up, usually. It's just not all that common.

You really think GMs call each other to offer ridiculous trade scenarios on draft day like some naive fan? "We'll swap our 1st round picks with you if you throw in Peyton," sorts of wet fantasies? Especially now that a team's time on the clock is further diminished. Who has time to listen to some goofball offering a box of rocks for your castle?


We all know these guys all have the draft points chart and they all know what it will take roughly to move around on draft day. The trades happen if both teams agree to the framework of the deal -- they have to consider many other factors, including the competition's moves, their draft strategy and board, team needs, etc. before blindly pulling triggers on deals. Some GM that calls his peers with nothing but bull to offer will eventually just not get anyone's ear on draft day and work himself right out of the game and a job. :thumbsup:

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