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Over 95% of NY Incumbants Reelected


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I'm at work...



Part of my platform will be taxes. A big part actually. Property, sales tax, etc.


I want schools to do more with their current budgets, not do less with more. Einstein and Oppenheimer were able to build an A bomb without the advantage of having 20 PC's in every classroom.


We need to reduce the medicade/medicare burdens. Its almost as if we already have socialized healthcare.


I want prison to be a place where criminal don't want to go. Similar to what goes on in some Arizona counties. We spend too much on criminals.


I'm going to start the ball rolling very soon, as 2 years isn't a long time. I know several assemblymen (from both parties) and will speak with them to gain knowledge from their experience as well as to understand what I need to do to get a party nomination (probably republican) as well as the timelines involved.

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Stagering tax load, no balanced budgets (Hell no budget at all from April until September) and people constantly bitching that we need to get rid of them. What does the proud electorate of NY do?...... They return almost EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM TO OFFICE!!!!!!


<Whine> My taxes are too high, my sales tax is going up, my schools are underfunded</WHINE>


Who did you vote for?


<PROUD> The same guy again! </PROUD> :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:



Send a card of thanks to that jerk McCain and his toady, Feingold for pushing through that so-called campaign finanace reform bill, a.k.a. the "Incumbent Protection Act"... :w00t:

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