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Meanwhile in the rest of the world

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The real question to me is if Irael's pending action is the spark that will set the next WW into motion, which I believe is coming. Look at past history, or don't, and be one of the lemmings. The world is like dry brush and a spark is all it takes to start a raging fire. Archduke Ferdinand anyone?


And yet Dear Leader is planning on decimating our military in the most dangerous times in our existance. Nice.

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The real question to me is if Irael's pending action is the spark that will set the next WW into motion, which I believe is coming. Look at past history, or don't, and be one of the lemmings. The world is like dry brush and a spark is all it takes to start a raging fire. Archduke Ferdinand anyone?


And yet Dear Leader is planning on decimating our military in the most dangerous times in our existance. Nice.

That's one way to save GM and Cryslar. Have them start pumping out tanks, etc.. for combat.

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Don't think it can't/won't happen, if history is any indication.

Yet another reason to bump taxes a lot on the rich and businesses. All to make them be patriotic to do their part. In the mean time what's wrong with reallocating 1 trillion dollars from that expanded war time budget for universal healthcare. That would be a drop in the bucket when they have a 70% tax rate on the top 20% of the country.

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Yet another reason to bump taxes a lot on the rich and businesses. All to make them be patriotic to do their part. In the mean time what's wrong with reallocating 1 trillion dollars from that expanded war time budget for universal healthcare. That would be a drop in the bucket when they have a 70% tax rate on the top 20% of the country.


I agree. Soak those rich baztards! They don't deserve it anyway! In fact, why stop at 1 Trillion? It's my right to have free healthcare. It's in the Konstitution, damn it!

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Since you guys are so upset on taxing rich people, you must be very rich indeed. One would have to wonder why, with all that money and all, you have nothing better to do than piss and moan on an obscure board where fans of an equally lame football team gather to discuss, or diss, our team.

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