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So when the Red Sox fans riot this week, is there any chance Tom Brady will be in one of the cars they flip over? That's possible, right?


Also, is there anything more pathetic than a bunch of 20 year old punks pretending they've been a fan for 86 years? Other than Drew Dedsoe playing QB, I can't think of anything.

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Did you see Tom Hanks yesterday....the commentator asked him "Aren't you a Dodgers fan?"...and he said "well, um, I was born and bread in California...but c'mon this is about being an American. Let's see Bill Buckner get a good night sleep."


Friggin bandwagoner.


Now on the other hand, my man Stephen King has been a Sox fan forever.....and there are a lot of those folks out there.


We saw it with the Bills in the early 90's. It's funny b/c friends that I had then I'll speak to and they know nothing about the Bills now....but amazingly then seem to know a lot about the Patriots.

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Thurman.....how about the fact that game five of the NLDS between Houston was nothing more than an advertisment for Boston v. Yanks.


It was sickening....


They didn't even have the FRIGGIN PITCH SPEED on the screen.


I swear to god it's the worst baseball coverage I have ever seen. EVER. I don't care if it doesn't get as good rating as Yanks v. Boston. Houston and Atlanta both have some very proud fans. Well, at least Houston does...and the crap that Fox put on there is totally disrespectful to the fans and ownership of the Braves and Astros.


The only thing I like about Fox is Joe Buck. And, I think Al Leiter was great in his time during the ALCS.

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Did you see Tom Hanks yesterday....the commentator asked him "Aren't you a Dodgers fan?"...and he said "well, um, I was born and bread in California...but c'mon this is about being an American. Let's see Bill Buckner get a good night sleep."


Friggin bandwagoner.


Now on the other hand, my man Stephen King has been a Sox fan forever.....and there are a lot of those folks out there.


We saw it with the Bills in the early 90's. It's funny b/c friends that I had then I'll speak to and they know nothing about the Bills now....but amazingly then seem to know a lot about the Patriots.


Actually, what he said was he was an American League guy first...but he's also an American. Still, kind of a silly thing.


Either way, the reason you probably saw him there with Jimmy Falon and the very miserable-looking group from "That 70s Show" was because they were likely under some contract with Fox, who was airing the game, to plug their shows and movies.

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I have no problem with Boston, as a whole doing well. Until the Pats got good and last week for the Sox, Boston hasnt had a true winner in either sport since, well...1918.


Let them have their fun and lets look forward to the time when its Buffalo's turn to raise a Vince Lombardi trophy and Stanley Cup.

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The Boston area definitely has the mojo going these days. (Lets just hope it doesn't extend to John Kerry, too.  <_< )




You better pray it extends to Kerry, good Lord I fear for this country if my pet goat gets re-steal the election....

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