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I like how people who don't DJ just push off the fact the bills were in the hunt late in the season. What does a playoff team look like? It looks like a team in the playoffs. But teams that are in the hunt must look a little like a playoff team in order to be in the hunt. I think if people could put there disdain for DJ behind them and look at what DJ has done with little you would see he is a good coach. I did not say a great coach.

Jauron has his strengths and weaknesses just like anybody else. I certainly don't think he is a great coach, like others. I don't think he's the worst coach I've ever seen either. But, I don't see him getting this team to the playoffs or winning a playoff game. I'd like to be wrong, but I see no evidence he can accomplish that.


The Bills won 6 games against 4 futile teams, some barely, and I'm not going to confuse that with playoff caliber football in the AFC, which is stacked with most of the elite teams in the NFL today.


Can he get his players to like him and want to play for him? Sure. Everybody in the NFL talks about Dick as a cool guy and how he's a gentleman who'll do anything to help a guy out. When they start awarding points based on popularity polls, the Bills will be among the elite.

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Jauron has his strengths and weaknesses just like anybody else. I certainly don't think he is a great coach, like others. I don't think he's the worst coach I've ever seen either. But, I don't see him getting this team to the playoffs or winning a playoff game. I'd like to be wrong, but I see no evidence he can accomplish that.


The Bills won 6 games against 4 futile teams, some barely, and I'm not going to confuse that with playoff caliber football in the AFC, which is stacked with most of the elite teams in the NFL today.


Can he get his players to like him and want to play for him? Sure. Everybody in the NFL talks about Dick as a cool guy and how he's a gentleman who'll do anything to help a guy out. When they start awarding points based on popularity polls, the Bills will be among the elite.


Like another poster put every great team starts by beating the teams they are supposed to beat. The Bills for the first time in years is not rebuilding, but retooling with talent. This year will tell a lot about DJ. I think we give him this and next year. With the next two years we will see what he can do as a coach. I am just not sure we need another new coaching staff if we do not have a playoff year. I think that will set us back further.

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Like another poster put every great team starts by beating the teams they are supposed to beat. The Bills for the first time in years is not rebuilding, but retooling with talent.

Can't really agree with that. It suggests that the team has some strengths. Other than special teams, I don't see them. The offense was terrible. The defense couldn't stop anybody, couldn't get off the field, and wore down and got busted up. Ranking down in the 30s isn't a strength.

This year will tell a lot about DJ. I think we give him this and next year. With the next two years we will see what he can do as a coach.

I think you are right. I fully expect DJ to be around a couple more years.

I am just not sure we need another new coaching staff if we do not have a playoff year. I think that will set us back further.

BTW, my signature line is a quote from Dick Jauron on Cade McNown about midway through the Chicago Bears season when DJ was being the stand up guy and going to bat for his player. Unfortunately, McNown was despised by his teammates and was thoroughly unprofessional -- he was asked in front of the entire team to run through the script for a game and didn't know a single play on the script. The kid "most ready for the NFL game" was a mental midget, had no respect for the game or his teammates, and ended up one of the all-time biggest busts. Despite arbitrary denials, DJ was a part of the brain trust that brought McNown in to be the future of the Bears. DJ also kept Henry Burris on his team as a favor to someone in the front office; Burris ended up starting a game and throwing 5 interceptions in that game.




I know it can all be blamed on fate, but it is these sorts of decisions that DJ has been at least some part of -- if only to be asleep in the pilot house -- that don't instill absolute confidence in him.

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