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I've officially jumped on the Jankees bandwagon.

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After a lifetime of rooting for the Bills, Sabres and Phillies, I've decided it's time to back a winner for a change.


That's right, the Neeew Jork Jankees.


They don't choke in the clutch, and bring it EVERY year.


So with that....>GO YANKS< Kick some sorry Red Sux arse. Those mullets have the Pats, they don't need the Red Sux too.

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If you're from NYS, there's no shame in rooting for a NYS baseball team.  Might as well be the Yanks.  And take solace in the fact that the vast majority of Patsy fans are diehard Sox fans who will take some questionable officiating-aided SB wins as a consolation prize.



I see a team with CLASS players like Jeter and A-Rod, Matsui and Bernie Williams. They're impossible not to root for.


Especially when my chosen baseball team has losers like Bobby Abreu and Jimmy Rollins playing on it. Thanks, but no thanks.


And as for the Bills, well we all know what a disaster this season's gonna be. Especially after they lose this week.


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Guest Crutzfield-Jacob Bills
One man isn't a team.  Brady proved that in 2002.



Yes, I agree Mr.Spongiform. Drew has certainly carried the Bills on his wide shoulders since 2002.

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After a lifetime of rooting for the Bills, Sabres and Phillies, I've decided it's time to back a winner for a change.


That's right, the Neeew Jork Jankees.


They don't choke in the clutch, and bring it EVERY year.


So with that....>GO YANKS< Kick some sorry Red Sux arse. Those mullets have the Pats, they don't need the Red Sux too.



If you are going to jump on a bandwagon, why don't you jump on the wagon of the team that WILL get it done this year, the St. Louis Cardinals.

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After a lifetime of rooting for the Bills, Sabres and Phillies, I've decided it's time to back a winner for a change.


That's right, the Neeew Jork Jankees.


They don't choke in the clutch, and bring it EVERY year.


So with that....>GO YANKS< Kick some sorry Red Sux arse. Those mullets have the Pats, they don't need the Red Sux too.



Thats a smart choice! :lol:

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Shut your cake hole, you flaming, Kerry-voting, Red-sox-watching, pill-popping mad scientist farg you!!


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain:


This from the man who has changed teams because he finds his new team to be more "classy." I doubt you'd find many friends here if you started rooting for the Patriots because they are a classy winner.


class players like... A-Rod

:lol: Sign me to the biggest contract ever, then, when it's convenient, trade me to a winner, so I get EVERYTHING I want. CLASS-Y!


I hate A-Rod and Sheffield. Mercenaries. I would STILL hate them if they were on my team (it ain't the Red Sox). I do have a good place in my heart for Jeter. There is a ballplayer who can do no wrong, plays hard, and doesn't give up on his team. Now his team does have the most money in baseball and there would be no reason for him to ever ever leave the ballclub he grew up rooting for, but he's a horse nonetheless.

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Shut your cake hole, you flaming, Kerry-voting, Red-sox-watching, pill-popping mad scientist farg you!!


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain:




That is no way to talk to your brother, YOU ARE ONE OF US... :lol:

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