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A Great Country... Shaw makes out


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Where but in a America can a Pro Football player, namely Bobby Shaw, play awful and play awful for an 0-4 team and then get rewarded by being cut. I'm sure he's laughing all the way to his next team... probably a playoff team


A great country I tell you.

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Well if you're gonna get cut by the worst team in the league you might as well hook up with the best.


Some guys have all the ;luck!

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well if he signs with the patsies,he better look long and hard in the mirror and reevaluate himself and his career.this is probably his last real good chance to play football.i doubt bill belichek would put up with stevestojantty practises and bad play on the field.if shaw does sign there he should really rededicate his life to football.maybe we did bobby a favor!

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well if he signs with the patsies,he better look long and hard in the mirror and reevaluate himself and his career.this is probably his last real good chance to play football.i doubt bill belichek would put up with stevestojantty practises and bad play on the field.if shaw does sign there he should really rededicate his life to football.maybe we did bobby a favor!


Did Shaw really play that much worse than Josh Reed?

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Did Shaw really play that much worse than Josh Reed?



Or most any other player on this team for that matter?


No, he didn't. Bobby Shaw was just a convenient scapegoat. A player that was cut in order to open the eyes of the other players on this team because the crappy coaches can't figure out any other way to get the players attention. So they cut a veteran WR.


I hope Shaw does sign on with the Patsies and wins a ring. Then I'd like for him to phone up Mularkey and TD and thank them for cutting him as they did so that he could hook up with a real football team and not a bunch of pansies.

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