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Smart Idea Jets hire clockoligost


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From Dr. Z

I have always felt that it is too much for one human being, to run the sidelines and the clock, and manage the game at the same time. Teams have capologists to handle the salary cap. Why not have clockologists, to relieve the head coach of the instant sideline decision, to combine clock management with game strategy as well, everything based on percentages carefully mapped out ahead of time? He would simply say, "Time out, coach," and that would be it.


You would have to have the right kind of person, of course. Calm, probably of older vintage, well respected. Not the sort of chap to get flustered, "If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs ..." as Kipling wrote. And then he would have to be the sort of person in whom the coach had the utmost confidence and trust. Sideline harangues are not good for team morale.


The Jets, it seems, have found their man. Dick Curl, 64 years old, a veteran of 36 years as an assistant and head coach at practically every level, 11 times a grandfather, low key, non-confrontational. Perfect.



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herman edwards has been ripped for his poor clock management in the past. he needed to do this.


the bills' clock management has been very good so far, in my opinion. for example, the fact that they were able to keep nearly a minute on the clock following the jets' FG. of course, i didn't expect bledsoe to take a sack on the very first play. or maybe i did?

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