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Senate passes Iraq withdrawel timeline

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For anyone that wants to get past the spin on this issue, there's an excellent piece in Slate from yesterday (Is Congress using the Iraq bills to send a message?) that gives a nice run-down on what's in both versions of the bills, and what that would actually mean. There's also internal links to a piece in The Hill, describing what the Pentagon can do if Bush vetos the final version and the money starts to dwindle (really interesting if you're into budget minutiae--It's the first I've ever heard of the Feed and Forage Act). (h/t to Prof. Lederman from the Balkinization legal blog--he's also linked to in the Salon piece).


Two myths have sprung up around the House and Senate bills that require President Bush to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq. One is that he would have to pull out all the troops. The other is that, if Bush vetoes the final bill (as he is nearly certain to do), the war—and all other military activities—would grind to a halt, leaving the troops in the lurch, bereft of basic ammo and supplies.


Both myths are false, the product of spin.


The Pentagon has several ways to reroute money if a veto locks the emergency-spending bill in temporary limbo while Congress goes on Easter recess. And both chambers' bills leave leeway for quite a lot of U.S. troops to stay in Iraq indefinitely—though, true, there would be fewer than there are now, and they would perform less-ambitious missions.

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Maybe one of these days you neo Cats will get it.



After 9/11, years of sledgehammering home the "kill the taxi drivers and convenience store operators here and abroad" message has pretty much fallen on deaf ears by now.


Madison avenue has already layed claim to the young peaceniks.



And the cycle continues................

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Then there's this. What in holy hell is this supposed to mean?

Maybe one of these days you neo Cats will get it.

After 9/11, years of sledgehammering home the "kill the taxi drivers and convenience store operators here and abroad" message has pretty much fallen on deaf ears by now.


Madison avenue has already layed claim to the young peaceniks.

And the cycle continues................


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