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thnigs i think i know and what does that mean for the Bills

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you guys still don't get it :worthy:


it's the o line stupid :thumbsup:


example: emmit smith got to all those pro bowls because his o line opened up holes the width of driveways


he wasn't touched til 5-6 yards past the line of scrimmage


they did not win super bowls because of emmit but people talk about him like he walked on water


the super bowls and emmit and the coke head receiver and gay cowboy troy were all products of that great o line


any back could have hit the jackpot behind that line and emmit would have sucked on 28 other teams in the league at that time because he was nothing special


fix the DT and/or MLB positon needs as first priority and get some young legs at RB at a cheaper price in round 2 or 3 :worthy:



Well I see that your sarcasm dectector is broken...You might want to get that fixed cuz there is alot of it going around these days!

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Well I see that your sarcasm dectector is broken...You might want to get that fixed cuz there is alot of it going around these days!



sorry, it must be broken as it did not pick up on that at all :thumbsup:


i'm taking it back to radio shack at lunch to get it checked out :worthy:

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