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(LAMP) Off to Whistler


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So, off to Whistler for a week of skiing with the family on Sunday. Not looking forward to the twelve Hr total trip from DC to there with a 7 and 5 yr old, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


Anyway, got me to thinking about vacation stories. Best one I got was about when I was 13, my goof ball brother 15. My uncle had a place at Rehobeth( before it turned into fire island south) and invited us down for the week. I get sick on the ride down, and afetr about 7 stops to puke and poop, it takes about 12 hrs to drive there from Niagara Falls . The old man like driving through the night, so we left at 7 pm, got there 7 AM.


Bout 9.00PM, my brother comes in from the boadwalk smelling like cigarettes. Well, my mother hating smoking as both her parents died from it. 20 minute hilarious argument with the old man later, mom wins, car packed and back home we go!!! 20 total hrs in the car and we were there for about 12.


Great vacation!!!!

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