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One thing that has been very nice this week...

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Is it just me, or has the holiday season made the minds our our opponent's fanbase just a little bit brighter? Or perhaps it's just the dignity of the folks in MD? Whatever the reason, getting over the fact that we are NOT gonna be in the playoffs has been much easier without the middle school type slander we had to endure when "mr. Lights Out" or "Vince from heaven above" came to town. These boards at times were unbearable, but that was then. A pleasure to take in, and enough silence to allow me to become excited about our game tomorrow.


Happy holidays, when in doubt call a cab, and most definitley GO M'FING BILLS!!!!!



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I was flicked off 3 times today doing deliveries in the Northern Baltimore area because I'm flyin' a Bills window flag. Fu<k the Ravens, fu<k their fans, and fu<k anyone that likes purple. :o:(:thumbsup:

Ha ha. I know the feeling. I got a new truck last week, and I just got around to putting my Bills plate frame on yesterday. I had two idiots come up to me earlier tonight in a parking lot asking me how bad I thought our boys would get spanked tomorrow. The guy actually asking was kinda drunk and just loud. So I told him "not as hard as I am going to spank your wife tonight." They looked at each other and walked away. I figured he'd want to fight. So there are plenty of loud mouth Ravens fans, and some are real wimps.

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I was flicked off 3 times today doing deliveries in the Northern Baltimore area because I'm flyin' a Bills window flag. Fu<k the Ravens, fu<k their fans, and fu<k anyone that likes purple. :o:(:thumbsup:



You should have made a statement and driven your truck into the fingerers.

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