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Get Euhus in there!

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Evans was given the starting spot largely because of the ineffectiveness of the non-Moulds WR's. When given the chance, he seized it. Likewise I've seen little from the TE's to say that starting Tim Euhus would NOT be a bad idea. I have to say I'm really disappointed with Neufeld, but I guess he's more a workout warrior and mostly a blocker, than a complete TE.

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Guest It's the refs!!!

I agree. Inserting Euhus in the lineup would automatically curry favor from the on-field officials.


To get the influence of the replay officials, I suggest that Jerry Gray leave the sideline and sit upstairs in the booth.

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Guest Creutzfeldt-Jacob Bills

It seems the NFL officiating pool has been afflicted with prions, which explains their biased attitude toward the Bills.

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I certianly would not be against giving euhus a shot at te. He can't be much worse than Mark "Cement Shoes" Cambell and Ryan Nuefeld. From what I've read about Euhus he's suppouse to be a pretty decent receiving te, something buffalo's offense imo sorely needs if nothing more than a good safety valve option for our qb when things break down. Cement shoes is too slow to get off the line and away from linebackers to offer this and nufeld is nothing more than a 3rd te at best. So what the hell. If I were the bills I'd give it a shot. I'd like to see what the kid has to offer to our offense.


Best case scenairo- we find a quality receiving te and won't have to draft one and can focus on the oline and getting a GOOD pass rushing defensive end.


Worst case scenairo- Tim Euhus sucks, we find that out early ride out the season with cement shoes and Nufeld and go after a te in the draft or if any are available free agency.

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I certianly would not be against giving euhus a shot at te. He can't be much worse than Mark "Cement Shoes" Cambell and Ryan Nuefeld.  From what I've read about Euhus he's suppouse to be a pretty decent receiving te, something buffalo's offense imo sorely needs if nothing more than a good safety valve option for our qb when things break down. Cement shoes is too slow to get off the line and away from linebackers to offer this and nufeld is nothing more than a 3rd te at best. So what the hell. If I were the bills I'd give it a shot. I'd like to see what the kid has to offer to our offense.


Best case scenairo- we find a quality receiving te and won't have to draft one and can focus on the oline and getting a GOOD pass rushing defensive end.


Worst case scenairo- Tim Euhus sucks, we find that out early ride out the season with cement shoes and Nufeld and go after a te in the draft or if any are available free agency.


I was beginning to get worried that the characterless ones were going to dominate this thread! Thanks for replying.


Agree with what you wrote. Euhus can't be any worse than the zero production the Bills have gotten from Campbell and Neufeld. Demote Campbell to 3rd string and keep Neufeld as the 2nd/blocking TE. Get the future started NOW!

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Best case scenairo- we find a quality receiving te and won't have to draft one and can focus on the oline and getting a GOOD pass rushing defensive end.


Worst case scenairo- Tim Euhus sucks, we find that out early ride out the season with cement shoes and Nufeld and go after a te in the draft or if any are available free agency.


Yes, best and worst case Scenarios...however, what will happen is that he will show some progress and potential, we wont address the problem in the offseaon, and he will be horrible next season. always the optimist....

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