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Anthony Thomas = Croneyism?


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When I saw that Aaron Gibson was cut a few weeks ago I thought to myself, good this regime is not like the old one in that they want the best players and not their friends.


I think the charge of croneyism against TD was justified based on his record and the number of people he brought into the organization with Pittsburgh ties. Mularkey, Richard Huntely, Kris Farris and Tom Modrak.


I am wondering if anyone thinks that keeping Anthony Thomas over Lionel Gates was a case of croneyism? Thomas was great his rookie season, but hasn't done much in the league since. Gates averaged 2.7 yards per carry in the preseason and Thomas only 2.1. I know neither average is impressive, but I defienetly thought Gates was better in the preseason. I should add I never made it to training camp, but did see a fair amount of Bills coverage on the NFL network.


So is keeping the A-Train a case of croneyism?


Oh brother! Ya and Dick Jeron was also the other shooter on the grassy knoll!



When people are successful they usually try and keep the people around them that helped them succeed. Obvioulsy he thinks Thomas can help him achieve success. You thoink he cares more about his friendship to one player than to winning? Good grief!

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Bad example.  :angry: Bobby Humphrey was just like Anthony Thomas, almost identical in fact. 1151 yards in his rookie year when he was (AFC Offensive) Rookie of the Year, 1200 another year, out injured for a couple years, and then trying to resurrect his career with the Bills in pre-season.



Wasn't Thomas through here a year ago before signing with Dallas ? He would have been a dodgy signing then and now we don't see stories about rehabilitation or much talk about his expected durability. It is a short career at that position and he is now a pretty important piece of a rebuilding team.


The optics of Thomas for Gates bothers me but in Jauron I trust....




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I think Anthony Thomas was brought in to be Willis's backup, they saw some ability in gates so allowed him to compete for the # 2 spot. Gates didnt show he was any better than thomas. Thomas having full seasons as a starter under his belt showing he can take some wear and tear and protect the football are contributing facters and probbaly a wise move

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It has been suggested that Thomas was retained over Gates for his all-around play. Thomas is a better receiver and accomplished blocker. With our offensive line still trying to mesh, a runner who could also help protect the QB is very valuable. With Gates in the lineup there is less predictability, since the expectation would be a run. With Thomas it could be anything.




joe, you hit the nail on the head. Thomas is a very good receiver. You could see it in the last preseason game especially and i think the coaches saw it in camp.


When Thomas catches out of the backfield, there is no hesitation when he turns upfield. The motion is very fluid. With Gates, I noticed that when he turned upfield, he would slow down slightly as if to survey what was ahead and in turn make too many choppy steps instead of getting the most of what was there. This offense will feature outlet passes and screens a lot.


Another thing may be blitz pickup, alhough I did not see enough to support that, but a lot of times, that will favor a vet in lieu of a two year player.

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I liked what I saw out of Gates. But Lionel Gates was not even a starter in college. He was a seventh round draft pick. The Bills brass last year decided that Shaud Williams was a better player and kept him at #2. This year in pre-season he played erratic, showing flashes. He made two spectacular runs, which totaled eight yards. He made some glaring errors, too, like one time trying to bounce it outside instead of getting the needed first down that was right in front of him. No other team signed him to their 53-man roster. So it's not as though this was a sure thing or any better than Anthony Thomas.


I was surprised by the speed Thomas showed. He broke some tackles and dispalyed some toughness and power, as well as an ability to turn the corner. It was a pretty much a toss-up between the two. 


The thing is, if they both play up to their potential, Thomas is probably the better player. If Willis goes down, Thomas is probably the more reliable player. Gates may turn out to be a great player, as evidenced by his two great if short TD runs in the pre-season. But this was no no-brainer.




He made some glaring errors, too, like one time trying to bounce it outside instead of getting the needed first down that was right in front of him.


when I watched the Detroit game, that play stuck in my head the most. you could see it even in his body language as he headed for the sideline...."oh dear lord, what have I done....that's it! I'm gone....i blew it"

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When I saw that Aaron Gibson was cut a few weeks ago I thought to myself, good this regime is not like the old one in that they want the best players and not their friends.


I think the charge of croneyism against TD was justified based on his record and the number of people he brought into the organization with Pittsburgh ties. Mularkey, Richard Huntely, Kris Farris and Tom Modrak.


I am wondering if anyone thinks that keeping Anthony Thomas over Lionel Gates was a case of croneyism? Thomas was great his rookie season, but hasn't done much in the league since. Gates averaged 2.7 yards per carry in the preseason and Thomas only 2.1. I know neither average is impressive, but I defienetly thought Gates was better in the preseason. I should add I never made it to training camp, but did see a fair amount of Bills coverage on the NFL network.


So is keeping the A-Train a case of croneyism?



Just because a player is a crony does not mean he is not the better player. Gates showed more of a nose for the endzone and produced more as a runner than Thomas.


However, Thomas displayed more as a receiver in an offense where the checkdown to the RN is going to be important. There was little in the pre-seaspn games to assess Gates ability on the blitz pick-up or as an occaisional blocker on the end around. Neither player showed a lot on SI.


However, it is reasonable to think that the coaches saw more in practice from a vet than a younger player in these aspects of the game.


Gates simply did not show enough run superiority to separate himself from Thomas and he lead guess is most likely that he was not a better player than Thomas in the total measure of an RN rather than to assume cronyism saw ehem take a much worse player.


Are there objective reasons why one would make that assumption?

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