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Why doesn't Bonds play first base?


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Since the guy really belongs in the AL as a DH, I don't understand why they don't play him at first instead out in the field, where there is no way his knee is going to let him play all that many games...............What am I missing here?

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Since the guy really belongs in the AL as a DH, I don't understand why they don't play him at first instead out in the field, where there is no way his knee is going to let him play all that many games...............What am I missing here?


Who cares.. Baseball is dead to me now. I was a San Francisco Giants for 20+ years and after the whole baseball/congress thing, I've decided that enough is enough. I done with it and the past time it once was.




















Sorry.. You're question.


Barry has to much of an ego to do anything Barry doesn't want to do.

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