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Ok, here's my ND homer pitch...


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I'll preface this by saying that it is a damn shame that Moulds will be leaving (if that is the case). He was a great Bill, not without his flaws, but great nonetheless. If he is indeed gone, then I will say that I would like to see the Bills take a shot at Maurice Stovall.


I hated on him for 3 years at ND because he was a disappointment and honestly was not a good WR. He couldn't catch with his hands and he ran sloppy routes. But something changed last year, and while Weis's offense probably had a lot to do with it, Stovall moved to another level by himself. He became a much better route runner, his field awareness was great and he learned how to catch the ball without using his chest.



-Measurables: He is 6'5" and can jump pretty well. Skyed over dozens of DBs last year and made incredible catches. Plus while not fast, moves well for a big man, nice long strides and not so easy to take down.


-Run blocking: Not only is he extremely physical and willing, he is also a smart blocker. He seems to have a good awareness in the open field and often picked the perfect defender to block off. Plus as I mentioned, at 6'5" 220ish, he can take on pretty much any DB with relative ease. He took down multiple DBs several times last year.




-Polish: Still very raw. Not the best route runner yet, but improving. Still makes some easy drops.


-Wildcard: Only played at a high level for one complete season. Mere flashes for first 3. Was it a fluke? How much of it was Weis's schemes? How much was Brady Quinn?


I am not sure he will make it out of the 2nd round, but if he does, I would love us to use one of our 3rds. Maybe even if possible trade up into the mid-late 2nd if it looks like he is gonna go. I am really set on using our 1st and 2nd on the trenches, but after that he would be a great pickup IMO.

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