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MM Blew it


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I think that you all are missing the point. I'm not saying that the call would have been reversed, but I am saying that for a team with playoff aspirations it's a chance that you have to take.


Henry reached out and put the ball over the goal line. I know that the refs could have covered their a$$ by saying that his foward progress was stopped, but when your offense only averages one TD per game I think you need to roll the bones.


BTW, if it was totally inconclusive, why did the NFL league office take a stand against its own refs by saying that it was a TD?




The NFL covering there own ass....


The conspiracy theory...The NFL told those damn Zebras to swing the game in Oakland's favor....but the REF's made it to obvious so NFL had to swing the blame onto the REF's so no investigation would be held..... :lol:

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