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Team America World Police


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I saw the trailer and saw osama, jung, lots other familiar faces. Is this a Bush bashing film? Does it make America look bad or is it pro American? I am just trying to figure out what kind of statement this film is trying to make. I know they had some puppet presentations promoting the film which were controversial

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I read that, as with all the Parker/Stone South Park stuff, the film shows both sides. It points out the brashness of USA, while showing the spirit of America. Freedom is good, we just go about it, um, oddly. It bashes Republicans and Democrats alike, but the article I read (US News & WR) said that the Republicans seem to come out ahead in the end.


The movie is supposed to be out in a month. They're still shooting and editing!! They didn't plan on marionettes being so difficult to work with.


I'm really looking forward to this one.


Oh yeah. There was one controversy in that they wanted to show an explicit sex scene, featuring of course, two marionettes. MPAA doesn't like it, so that'll probably only make the DVD.

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