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A little break from the insanity

The Dean

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I swear to you this is not a joke. In this week's SF Weekly (a free weekly paper in San Francisco) there 's a letter from "Bruce Smith". I'm supplying the link so you can verify...but, here's the text:


If Paraag [Marathe] and Tommy [Craggs] want to convince us computer modeling or whatever is the wave of the future for the NFL ["Offensive Line," Dec. 28], they're going to need a better example than that "great value" Jonas Jennings. NFL insiders, men who possibly wouldn't know a spreadsheet from their own linen, could have and would have and, in fact, did remark that Jennings would not make it through the season unscathed. The "better than average left tackle" played about three games before being sidelined for the season.


Better load up the computer with even more criteria, boys. However, there's just no substitute for experience, and that, alas, can't be downloaded.


Savage Love is great, though. And you just know he's speaking from experience. Check it out.


Bruce Smith

San Francisco



Here's the link (dunno how long this link is good for):



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